❤️💚💙💜💗All Ships💗💜💙💚❤️

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Alright Everyone, all ideas come from separate people, this chapter was Requested by Ryuu_Night, BlueRose763, and Pastel13_readz(its being weird with tagging, I'm sorry), Hope yall enjoy
Sandy's POV

I'm gonna Suprise everyone today! I'm gonna give them some of my rare tea to help brighten their days! Everyone is gonna love it!

I walked over to the stove and began to heat the water, while it was heating, I left the room to find my teabags, which I was searching, I thought I heard footsteps but it was probably just one of my cats walking.

I went back to the kitchen but saw a teabag was already in the water, Oh! I must have already put the tea bag in.

I did the rest of the steps to making the tea, and put it in a teapot,

I then took the tea to the noodle shop, and a couple of people were there, Huntsman, Syntax, Tang, Mk, Monkey King, and Macaque.

"Hey guys, I made everyone some tea" I announced, I walked around and handed everyone a cup of tea and they all drank it

"Not bad big guy" Wukong commented

"Some of your best gentle giant" Huntsman commented

I smiled

"Well, I'll brb, I gotta return the tea pot home" I said, I kissed Huntsman on the cheek and walked out of the noodleshop


I walked back into the noodleshop and saw instead of all my friends, their were a bunch of babies.

The only adults were Red son, Pigsy, and Mayor, and Me as well

One of the babies crawled over to me and put his arms up, I picked him up and he kinda looked like Huntsman

The baby got happy and started laughing, I smiled and held the baby close

"What's going on?" I asked

"Our friends were turned into babies!" Pigsy yelled, picking up baby Tang who started giggling

I looked at the baby I was holding, Yep definitely Huntsman! He looks so cute!

"He is so cute!" I commented on Huntsman and he started giggling before he leaned up against me and layed his head on my beard

I looked around at the other babies, Syntax was crying while being held by Mayor and Red son was playing with baby Mk, Baby Macaque and wukong were just staring at eachother.

"Is there a way to turn them back to normal? As much as I love babies, I think someone just had an accident" Red son said picking up Mk and holding him away from him

"We have to find out how to put them back to normal" Pigsy said

"We must find out how they turned into babies in the first place" Mayor said

I began to pace back and forth, trying to think of how this could have happened

"The only thing I could think of is the tea, but I didn't put anything different then I usually do" I said

"Do you still have the tea bag?" Red son asked

"Yep" I answered, pulling the tea bag out

Red son walked over and looked at the tea bag

"That's yesterday's tea, my father asked me to retrieve it for him not to long ago, the affects of the tea are to turn people younger, depending on how old you are, you can become babies or young adults" Red son Explained

"So what's the cure for it?" Mayor asked

"Tomorrow's tea, it can turn someone older which may turn them back to normal" Red son answered

"How do you get it?" I asked

"It's In a shop not to far away, but we must all go because the Lady is very threatening" Red son answered

"What about all the babies?" I asked

"We bring them along" Red son answered

"I'll set up the car" I said, I put Huntsman down but he immediately started crying

I looked back at him and he looked very upset, I sighed and picked him up, then kissed his forehead and he calmed down

I brought him out to the van and sat him in the very front seat

"Give me a few minutes Darling, I gotta set up the baby seats" I said to Huntsman, Huntsman just stared out the window

I walked to the back of the van and pulled up all the seats and put the baby seats in, once I finished, I walked back over to the seat where Huntsman was sitting and he was just staring at the roof, I smiled and picked him up.

I put him in one of the baby seats and he was Suprisingly very calm.

Once I finished, the others brought the babies out and put them in their seats, all of them were Suprisingly very calm.

The adults sat down in the regular chairs and I got in the driver's seat, and we were off!


We arrived at the shop, I stayed in the van with the babies while the others got the tea, after 20 minutes, they came out with the tea in hand

I smiled and got out of the car,

"We got the tea, Now we just need to find a way to give it to them" Mayor said

"We could mix it into their bottles" I recommended

"Not a bad idea, but we gotta make the tea as well" Red son said

"Alright, everyone back In the car, sandy, drive to your place" Pigsy said getting back into the car


I was in the kitchen, and I just finished the tea, Huntsman was sitting on the counter next to me and he was Suprisingly not moving around a lot, just sitting, would look at the ceiling from time to time and would occasionally suck his thumb

I smiled and mixed the tea into one of the milk bottles, I handed it to him and he drank it, once he finished the bottle, He returned back to Normal

Huntsman looked at me

"What the heck happened?" Huntsman asked

"You got turned into a baby and the tea in the bottle you drank helped you become normal again" I answered

Huntsman sighed

"I'll admit, you did look really cute as a baby, I couldn't stop looking at you" I said

Huntsman blushed a lot and smiled a bit

"The others are still babies, Wanna help with setting the rest of the bottles up?" I asked

Huntsman nodded and after a few minutes, the bottles were all done.

I walked out to the living room and handed out the bottles and after a few minutes, everyone was back to normal.

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