A Short Stay

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Chapter Twenty - A Short Stay.

An avenue of dark trees beckoned us to the grand estate of Roland Ainthoch. Shadows clung under the canopy of dark branches and I turned slowly in Arrow's saddle, eyeing the darkness that passed. The air was harsh and biting, and the landscape around left a hollow mark inside my chest. The estate was unwelcoming – whether it was the darkness that permeated it, or the emptiness of a vast estate.

We had washed the marks of the fight off, but the coldness still sunk into my bones. My hands, nestled deep in fur lined gloves, pulse with sporadic knots of power. I couldn't hold them back and their frequency un-nerved me.

"A mighty fine place." Gwen commented. "For there to be no workers."

I bit down my agreement, but kept my advance. The small group of soldiers that rode behind us were uniform tight, their suspicion plain on their faces. Despite the eerie emptiness of the estate, the wealth was unmistakable. The house was as grand as Royce Ainthoch's, crafted with dark stone and towering arches. The windows were large, but most were curtained over.

"They could be wary."

"Why would anyone be wary of the Legion?" Gwen asked, a brow arching. "No one who fears the Nirani would be wary of the Legion."

"Hmm." I hummed. "The Ainthochs have been a tremendous support."

The grand avenue ended. The drive curved around a fountain, where a man in dark stone raised his hand to the sky, fingers spread. Golden light, from the sun, streamed through that open hand. Water bubbled at the fountain. As I dismounted, I saw that the water was clean and the fish inside were lively.

"Clearly someone is here."

"The gardens are tended." Gwen clucked back. The colour had returned to her face, but the fight with the squid had rattled her. Gwen was our invulnerable friend, the one we relied upon. Even our immortals looked to Gwen, whose strength and confidence was unshakeable. If we had to worry about Gwen...

I shook the thought away. No. That was a terrible burden for anyone to carry, even Gwen. Strong as she was, the immoveable, strong face wasn't a burden I wanted for her.

The doors of the dark stone house opened. The long, lean shape of a man stood in the shadows, watching our arrival. I waved a hand in greeting. Lord Roland knew that the Legion would be paying him a visit, but our arrival had come later than expected.

And with bad news. A man-eating squid on his land.

"Seeker Birchwood," A deep, rich voice sounded. The man stepped into the light and I blinked, stunned by how familiar Roland Ainthoch looked. He was the fairer side of Royce Ainthoch, with reddish brown hair that was swept back and curled at the nape of his neck. The eyes were the same, but the mouth was wide and smiling.

He walked with a spring in his step, dark blue eyes glittering. "Welcome to my home. I was awaiting your arrival."

"It is good to meet you, Lord Roland." I dipped my head and shook his head. He perused the group behind me, his smile unwavering. His grip was tight, his palm calloused. Age was carved into his face and a wicked scar curved down from his ear, along his jaw bone to send in a jagged lump of knotted flesh at his chin. Still, he looked years younger than his brother.

"I am sorry our meeting comes in a time of such distress and peril." He released my hand and turned to Gwen. "And I have heard tremendous stories of your strength and prowess on the battlefield, Gwendolyn Feldspar."

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