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Chapter 25 | Servant

"We wish you luck, Seeker."

Hands passed over my shoulders, fierce and tired faces staring back at me. The hope, the expectation in their faces humbled me and I could only dip my chin in response, knowing that my words would mean very little to these people. I could only wonder how Kohen's influence had slipped through the cracks of the palace to where these souls would lend their support, their safety to a distant figure.

I wondered then, in a half-moment of panic, what they had expected of me. Was I a distant thought to them, a dream or a silly fancy; a Half-Blood with power when they were required to cover their mouths to even walk the halls of the palace? Did they think me brave or silly to march up to the throne of the Emperor, or to spar verbally with Englin when such a thing must have been dangerous for them?

The Half-Bloods left me and the iced-tea servant in the cellar, responding to a distant, sharp shout. They had scattered as I changed quickly, sliding on the soft clothes of the upper palace maids. The girl who had escorted me here had to be a few years younger than me, a soft childish curve to her jaw. She told me her name as she watched the door, waiting for me to slid on a simple pair of leggings to cover my legs under the serving dress.

"I am called Croia."

"Well met, Croia."

She glanced back at me, a smile creasing her eyes. "I think it is I who should be saying that to you, Seeker Birchwood."

"I think it is best that we don't use any titles down here?" I returned her soft smile.

"I could call you, Tora? My sister has the same name. She works in the kitchens, but she wants to move up to working upstairs."

My heart clenched. "Tora is a beautiful name, but – I cannot take it. Just call me Ana."

Whatever the serving girl saw on my face was enough to stem any arguments. She dipped her chin and stepped around me, moving my sopping clothes and stuffing them into a large, empty barrel. I carefully switched all the blades to under the skirt of my dress and slipped on the thin pair of gloves that Croia handed me.

"The gloves won't cause suspicion?"

"The twins used to burn the hands of Half-Bloods who were sloppy with an iron-poker, before the Lady Naira strictly forbade it. They fought her viciously on it, but ... relented. Anyone whose hands are now burned must wear gloves to avoid upsetting the delicate sensibilities of those upstairs." Croia flashed her palm. There was a wicked burn across it. A burn placed as if the iron wasn't simply laid across the skin – as if she had been made to hold the iron as it scorched her. "Or so they say. We know they try and avoid the wrath of the princess."

"Evil," I breathed.

Croia shrugged a strong shoulder and cracked open the door, peering outside. "Nothing compared to what evil you have faced, Seek...Ana."

"Everyone knew the evil I faced was evil." My voice was soft. "And I was cheered for fighting against it."

Here was different. They faced evil everyday and to fight against it? Would that mean losing their jobs, their livelihoods or something far worse?

Croia just hummed and motioned me to move. I stepped out into the hall with her. It was nothing like the splendour above. The walls were large, with a smooth curving roof made of dark blocks of stone. Noise and chatter echoed as if from a great distance and the hallway branched in three different directions ahead.

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