The Consumption of Drugs

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So high. 

So enjoyable

This feeling.

Over the clouds

Out of this world. 

Drugs. It has so many meanings. It could be a life saver; preventing a tumor from growing. It could be a life killer; a dope head that over doses and is found the next day dead in the streets. 

There’s many different types of drugs as well. Ones that heal, ones that make you hallucinate, ones that make you feel good, and ones that are downers.

In today’s teenagers, drugs is a topic of popularity. Some teens only smoke marijuana, others take dope, shrooms, cocaine, acid, or ecstasy. Allot of people think that bud is the ‘doorway drug.’ Basically, once you smoke weed your bound to start other drugs, many believe. I personally think otherwise. It may lead you to think about other drugs and the sensations it may give to you, but it does not necessarily mean that you will, without a doubt, go down the road to hard drugs. 

And then there’s the topic of what a parent may think their daughter or son may be doing while going through high school. Some parents actually understand that their children must make mistakes in order to learn from said mistake. In fact, the teenage mind thinks in a different part of the brain than adults. So in order to learn from a mistake, they have to make the mistake first. And then there’s the parents, like my parents, that don’t understand that concept. There’s the type that believe that their children are doing all the reckless things that they once did. Even though they were in the period of drugs, drugs, drugs. The 70’s. I’m talking about that type of parent, that one that has their head stuck in their high school experience. Doped up, lopped out. Every day was about freedom and the power to do what you want. 

Well, I’m sorry to drop that bomb on some of you, but things have changed. This is a new generation. Yes, we’ll make a few of the same mistakes. By all means, make mistakes, but be sure to learn from the mistake. 

And then there’s kids that party all night, and don’t come out of their drunken highs. The ones that don’t care about life, or sleep, but live for the party. And, reader, you may be that person. I promise you’ll regret these actions in the near future. 

Picture this with me; you’ve graduated years ago- say your 21 by now- you have the choice to continue partying, or to grow past that stage in your life. Say your choice is to continue the endless partying and the endless consumption of drugs. By the time your 25, your stealing from friends and family, and possibly businesses. By 27, you’ve had time in a prison, you’ve gone to rehab 4 times and are saying when did I fuck up. But then there’s door two. By the time your 25 you’ve been through college and are starting on your future. You’ve gotten your own apartment. By 27, you could possibly be married and happy, instead of being stuck behind a figurative 800 foot wall. That said wall will be the wall that you will be fighting to climb over if you choice was door one. Simple because, with door one you’ll develop an addiction to the feeling of drugs. 

I’ll agree, drugs have an amazing reaction within your body. It’s a feeling of nothing other. Magical even. But being that your body is still developing and molding into the body you will have for life, you need to take care of it. 

My last words to you, life is short. It’s full of unexpected moments, and instinctual actions. But always remember there will be a future, even if it’s only a day. And that your trapped within your body, no matter the amount or chemicals your pump into your body. Up until your last breath. 

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