Live the Time Your Given

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We dream

We smell

We taste 

We live.

Life is too short to sit back, and let the days go by without a blink of the eye. A person lives approximately 30,000 days. The  question I ask to you, is why let a day pass you by, without making it eventful, or making a  memory? I can understand the occasional bad mood days, were not one things goes correctly. But in other situations, why not live your days to the fullest. 

Time passes by fast some days, and slower other days. The way you spend you days; smiling and laughing or bumming it out in your room, effects your  mood for the week and sometimes longer. If you continue to sit in your room, with nothing other than technology to entertain your mind, you will remain bored for the remainder of your time within those walls. But if you spend your time outside, finding new and invigorating ways of entertainment, I guarantee you’ll have a happier and more enthusiastic personality. Not only will your personality and attitude to the world be more brood and open, but your mind will absorbed all those new memories and be more apt to new things. And not only that, but instead of absorbing all those new technologic advances that come out nearly daily, you’ll be entertaining yourself with the outside world and the glories that nature has to offer. But if your not one with nature, you can always get more intone with other things, besides the woods and hiking and what not. The opportunities are endless, within the outside world. 

People have to learn to expand and absorb new things, and to be open to new things. Because otherwise, what is the point? What’s the point in being a human, with all the ups and downs it has and all the opportunity that no other species are given, and not try something new; new sports, new experiences, new foods. Why not jump out of your comfort circle, and see that the world has so much to offer, new scents, new hobbies, new opportunities. Beyond your household, beyond your town, beyond your state; there is a world that not many have the opportunity to explore, to absorb, to understand. Personally, I will be spending many years exploring different cultures and different places. We’re human, we walk on two feet, we have opposable thumbs, we can use language, and we can think for our selves. 

My question too you; why not use all those abilities to your advantage and explore and invigorate your mind. Expand, learn, teach. 

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