37 | cake smash & pink floyd

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"SO WERE GOING ON A TRIP TO PALM SPRINGS." indie smiles to the camera.

they play the intro.

"before that to catch you guys up, our manger laura and friend mari surprised us with something beforehand that's gonna be with us in palm springs." nick explains with a grin.

"so let's roll that clip."

the camera cuts to all four kids in the backseat of a car all blindfolded.

"matt stop fucking man spreading your fat legs are taking up all the space!" indie screams pushing his legs as they sat in the back back seat.

"oh i need to shit." chris mumbles.

"chris why didn't you shit on the way?" nick asks him the obvious.

the camera cuts to them still blindfolded.

nick talks nonsense yet still slays.

"what do you guys think so far?" madis soft voice asks them.

"uhm a word id use to describe it is..." indigo thinks while staring at the ceiling of the car even though she can't see.

"i would say peculiar." indie stated making laura and madi giggle.

"peculiar?" nick asks.

"wow that's very peculiar." chris giggles trying to turn around and sit bump her.

"ow no yeah that's my face." the redhead stutters when he accidentally smacks her cheek.

"i feel like we're going to the circus." nick mumbles.

indie gasps.

"ah hell nah, i love you guys but if we go to the circus i'm fleeing and taking the car with me." indie starts panicking.

"we're not going to the circus." laura laughs.

"yeah carrots fucking chill." matt giggles placing his hand on her knee.

the camera cut.

"indie indie! your looking!" laura yells.

"no no i'm not!" indie throws her hands in the air.

"how many finger am i holding up." madi asks holding her five finger up.

"uh three?" she stated confidently.

"oh my god i was thinking three!" madi widens her eyes.

"no way!" indie laughs.

the next clip was all of them arrived in the parking lot yet still in the car but laura stood outside matt's door while they inched away from it afraid.

"it's gonna be a fucking crocodile." nick yells.

"it's gonna be one of those scorpions that bites your ass." indie says.

"you heard of those, i read them somewhere and they live here-" she was cut off from her nervous rant.

"indie!" chris scowls.

"right sorry." she gulps.

"right before you take it off..." laura just stops speaking.

"yo laur." the redhead calls out.

"do we take the masks off?" chris asks.

indie sat back to the door and nathan ( their friend ) touch's her back.

and then slamming his body with hers with a hug.

"what the fuck!" she screams seeing nathan.

all yell and scream.

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