46 | late night swimming

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INDIE STEWART SAT ON THE BED OF THE BEACH HOUSE WITH the computer straightened in front of her.

last day of this house thank the lord!

she was editing their last vlog, and holy she was bored.

"indie im more afraid of you than you are of it." matt says on the screen.

"matt! pigeon are not afraid of anything they stand electrical wires!" the girl screams at him.

"bro here look." the boy stated while grabbing her waist and carrying her so she can see the nest above the house.

indigo looks from the computer screen laughing at the silly boy.

suddenly her hands start moving up to her hair and she did the double tuck.


the redhead had noticed and stopped mid tuck.

a horrified look appears.

"did i?" she mumbles not moving her hands from her place.

running to the mirror.

oh god she hated mirrors but she had to see.

and when she stood she saw her reflection with fingers behind ears and hair half pushed back.

suddenly indigo stewart lets out a scream.

a scream so loud that nick sturniolo comes running in.

"what?!" the boy yells.

"i-i did the double tuck." indie turns slowly to him.

"oh my god to who?" nick walks fully in closing the door.

"nate?" she shook her head n.

"ryan?" no.

"jolene?" no.

"indie then who is it?" nick booms to her while eyes shift to the bed and then to the computer.

and when his head turns back, mouth agape, eyes wide and body shaking.

indie scrunches her face up with disgust.

"matt?" he whispers.

she nods.

"but i- i didn't even notice, that doesn't count! i guess i was hot or maybe hair was in my way." the girl try's making other occasions.

"maybe i had some hair in my mouth, or i got some on the bed you know he doesn't like it when hair gets on the bed-" she was cut off.

"indie," nick hissed.

"you like matt."

oh my god! she likes matt!

walking down the stairs to the living room while praying to god that matt wasn't there.

but he was, in fact the whole gang was there.

al playing twister, without her.

"hey." the redhead smiles to them sitting next to chris bringing her knees up to her chest.

𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐏𝐒𝐄,,matt sturniolo                  Where stories live. Discover now