The beginning of a new era

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CW: Mature language, Shaming. 

"It's over, My life is over" Sebastian dramatically cried 

" Its just show choir, you'll live" Nick rolled his eyes playfully with his legs over the desk they shared in their room

" Show choir is my life. Performing is my life. Now that we lost regionals, it's over" 

" We didn't lose. We got second place "

" Second place is the first to lose" Sebastian argued 

" Look at the bright side. We will have more time to practice lacrosse " 

" Who cares about that!" Sebastian buried his face in blankets 

" Well, while you cry about that... I will be going off to lacrosse practice. You sure you wanna stay here and cry?" 

" Im sure" 

Nick chuckled and made his way to practice 

"Wheres Smythe?" The coach asked 

" He's uh..." Nick paused " Uh he's sick" 

" He probably caught aids or something" A jerk senior laughed 

" Oh shut up" Nick shot back 

" What it's true. Slutbastian had it coming" 

Nick was furious. He ran over to the senior and tackled him to the ground before throwing punches. 

The coach pulled Nick off of the senior and began shouting " You can not act like this! This is not acceptable behavior" 

" Why am I getting in trouble? Did you not hear what he just said!" 

" But you made it violent!" 

" Fuck this! Screw Lacrosse. Im done" Nick said as he threw his Lacrosse stick towards the senior and stormed away. 

Nick began walking back to his dorm before running into Jeff. 

" Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" Jeff asked 

" Well I just quit that" Nick smiled 

" Why? I thought you loved lacrosse.... or so I've heard" Jeff panicked 

" Yeah but I love my friends more. " 

Jeff smiled 

" Oh, Jeff what are you doing tonight?" Nick asked 

" Considering the fact that glee club is over for us, nothing" Jeff smiled stupidly 

" Well do you want to come to hang out in my dorm? I promise Sebastian didn't put me up to this" Nick laughed " You can bring a friend if you want" 

" Sure. I'll see you tonight. Is it okay if I bring Trent?" 

" Yup. That's cool. I'll see you" Nick said as he threw up finger guns which he instantly regretted

" Back so soon?" Sebastian asked 

" I just quit Lacrosse"

" What? Why?" 

" Stupid stuff but it's time for something new. Which is why I invited some friends over tonight" 

" Quoting you here... since when do you have friends besides me?" Sebastian teased  

" Well I invited Jeff over and he's bringing Trent and I also invited Thad and he's bringing John."

" Wow sounds like a group of super cool people " Sebastian joked 

" Hey, I thought you were gonna play nice" 

" I will" Sebastian defended himself with a smile 

Later that night Thad and John were the first to arrive. They were out of their Dalton uniforms for once. Thad had the comfiest looking grey hoodie and black sweatpants, john basically had the same thing except he had a white t-shirt. Soon after Jeff and Trent arrived. Trent wore a black t-shirt, and black sweats and Jeff wore a plaid vest over a white shirt and jeans. 

" We should've discussed a dress code. Nick and I have uniforms, Jeff is dressed up and the three of you are basically wearing PJs" Sebastian laughed 

Jeff shrugged 

Sebastian got up and took his blazer and tie off and set them aside as he took off his shirt and revealed he had a red long sleeve under. 

" Jesus so many layers" John laughed 

With that Sebastian unbuttoned his belt and pulled down his pants 

All but nick looked at each other in confusion 

" He does this all the time. He knows no boundaries" Nick explained as Sebastian put on sweats 

" Your turn" Sebastian laughed 

"I'll change in the bathroom" Nick rolled his eyes 

As Nick was changing in the bathroom Sebastian looked over at Jeff " Do you want to change? We can let you borrow some clothes" 

" Uh sure" 

Sebastian handed Jeff some of his sweat pants " Because we're both tall but uh here take this " Sebastian added as he handed Jeff Nick's hoodie

Once Nick came out of their bathroom Jeff went in and changed. Once he was back they all sat on the floor, all but Sebastian who sat on his bed. 

" So what exactly are we doing here?" Trent asked 

" You see, I didn't really have a plan. I just invited you guys over"

" Is this because Glee club ended?" John asked 

" Of course it is. We have nothing without it" 

" You two have lacrosse still,"  Thad said 

" Had. Nick quit" Sebastian explained 

" Oh yeah, I heard about that. If I would've been there I would've given him a beating too Nick" 

Nick's eyes widened

" Gave who a beating?" Sebastian asked 

" The guy who said that you-" 

" Anyways why don't we move on from that" Nick cut in 

" No, tell me. What happened " 

Nick sighed " Some senior was saying that you had aids" 

" Is that why you quit?" 

" Yeah. I probably would've gotten kicked out anyways" 

" Im gonna go beat the crap out of him" Sebastian snapped 

" Don't. people say stupid shit all the time" Nick pleaded 

Sebastian rolled his eyes and sat back down

" Fine but next time I see coach I'm telling him I quit" 

" Time for something new. The beginning of a new era" Nick smiled 

Don't we all love Sebastian and Nick's friendship?

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