Chapter 4 : Here comes Trouble

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Chapter 4

Its lunch time Chaeyoung immediately goes to the cafeteria / canteen to eat she and Hyeri will help the student council decorate the school after.

Chaeyoung is enjoying eating her food. "Ugh I'm so full I ate so many egg rolls today I bet Jisoo will make fun of me again if he saw the food on my plate." She laugh imagining Jisoo's reaction.

Chaeyoung stands up , picks her tray in a hurry when someone bumps into her.

"Oh Shit!! Hey look where you're going!!" Leon look at his shirt and shrugged angrily.

Everybody looks at their direction because of Leon's loud voice

Student 1: "Oh what's that?"

Student 2: "Is that the transferee?"

"Chaeyoung is really clumsy lol." Somi teased while watching them.

Sana and Jennie looks at them too.

"Oh I'm so sorry!! " she was nervous because of Leon's loud and angry voice.

Chaeyoung immediately wipes the stain in Leon's clothes.

"Don't touch me!!"

Chaeyoung was startled by Leon's shout. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. Even tho shes afraid she still tries to wipe the stains in Leon's shirt.

Leon is hearing a lot of people chattering, panic attack strikes he don't know what to do especially when all of the people were looking at him.

He's sweating hard and can't breathe properly. He remembers the incident that happened before.

He  suddenly pushed Chaeyoung. "I said don't touch me!!"

Chaeyoung was pushed hardly on the ground, she was shocked and hurt. She tried to get up wincing in pain with shaking knees.

"Yaaah! Why are you so rude you don't have to push me!"

Everyone inside the canteen is now looking at them.

"Oooh what a show." said by Somi who is now enjoying what is happening in front of her.

Jennie and Sana were seriously watching them too.

Leon is getting overwhelmed now because all of the students are looking at them he starts to panic again and wants to get out of the canteen as soon as possible,

"I told you not to touch me! " he shouts angrily and sounded hes about to cry.

Chaeyoung got pissed off because of Leon's attitude towards her.

Chaeyoungs mind

You're so sweet in front of the kids but with your classmate you're nothing but a bully.

"Yaaah! are you really like that huh you're nothing but a crazy jerk!! In front of others you act like you're an angel but here you're acting like a monster!! "

"What did you say?!"

"What?! You heard it right!! Are you surprised? You're acting nice to people who knows you and showing your true colors here!!"

Everyone is murmuring about what they heard.

Leon saw the students looking directly at him, his sweating so hard and can't breathe properly voices of students are echoing inside his head.

"Shut up!! You don't know me!!"


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