Chapter 12 : The Accident

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Chapter 12

Kyungsoo and Jisoo were talking while waiting for the other members of the student council.

"How would you know if yo- you like someone?" Kyungsoo started.

Jisoo looked at Kyungsoo with a clueless expression on his face. "Why are you asking that question all of the sudden?" He asked, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

Kyungsoo moved away with a troubled look on his face. "Nothing." He said, tapping his pen on the table.

Jisoo is staring at him then plastered a big smile on his face. "You will feel it." He murmurs.

Kyungsoo leaned in closer to him. "How?" He asked again with narrowed eyes.

"If you can't think of anything else but that person," He continued checking the papers on the table. "If you want to see her every day, those kinds of things," He replied, still occupied in what he was doing.

"Have you experienced it?" Kyungsoo asked again, seriously like a little kid who's waiting for his lollipop. Jisoo looked at him and was about to reply when Taeyeon and the other members entered the room. Kyungsoo gazed at them with a furrowed brow and murmured. "Bummer."

Taeyeon started the meeting and discussed the plans that they needed to make for the school campaign called "The Clean and Green". Everyone is silently listening to her. Taeyeon is really good in terms of speaking in front of people. She can easily convince the crowd with her soothing and powerful voice. The meeting was almost over when Jisoo's phone lit up. Jisoo checked the text that he received. It was from his father, informing him to go home early because his brother Jin would visit their house today. Jisoo's eyes narrowed by reading the text from his father.

Jisoo POV

2 years, almost 2 years since I last saw and talked to this guy. I don't know why I need to go home early just because he's going to visit us today. It's not that I don't care, it's just we were not close to begin with. Father always makes things miserable for all of us. Don't get it wrong. I don't hate him, I'm not mad at him. I'm actually thankful to him because he helped me save Chaeyoung from the accident 2 years ago. Yes, I can say I'm thankful to him because of that. He finally did something nice for the first time in my life, something that I can say that he's a brother to me.


My father ordered me to bring the pile of books to my brother because he will be needing them since he is taking the exam to become a doctor soon. I don't have a choice, since my school is near where his apartment is. After school, I hurriedly went to his apartment so that I could go home early. But my enthusiasm faded when I came to his place. I tried to knock a lot of times but no one responded. I had no choice but to wait for him outside his place. After 2 hours of waiting, the sun was already set. I heard some footsteps coming from the stairs. I fixed myself and waited for him in the hallway of the corridor, which was so dark, the dim light couldn't suffice the hallway. Jin almost stumbled when he saw me standing in the dark hallway.

"Aigoo!" He shouted, placing his right hand on his chest with a big O on his mouth. He stared at me for a long time, then when he finally recognized me, he composed himself, then blurted out. "Why are you here?" I wanted to laugh at his sudden reaction but I didn't want to show it to him. I bit my tongue so that I could stop myself from laughing. Jin is still the same clumsy as ever.

I gazed at the book on the floor. "Father told me to deliver this to you." I replied to him plainly. He looked at me and sighed. "You should've told him to ask Secretary Nam to deliver the books here." He replied while trying to open the door.

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