Chapter 13 : The Stroll

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Chapter 13

Jisoo POV

I went home early, just like what my father told me to do. I walked inside the house and saw Jin sitting on the sofa looking professional with his eyeglasses on while reading a magazine. I tried to sneak past him as quietly as possible because I didn't want to feel awkward again with him. I mean yes, we talked casually but still not enough to fill a conversation. I was almost an inch away from the stairs when my mom called me, which made me look at them.

"Jisoo." My mom called me, giving me her sweet smile. Jin glanced at me then back to the magazine that he was reading. "When did you arrive?" She started.

I hugged my mother tightly, then kissed her cheek. "Just now," I murmured. " My mom hugged me back, then kissed my forehead. "I see you should change your clothes now your brother is hungry. He's waiting for you so that we can eat all together." Jin glanced again at me then nodded his head. I nodded my head in response. "Where's father?" I asked. " He's already at the dining table ready to eat." My mom signaled me to follow her to the dining area as she walked to the place. Jin followed him after.

I hurriedly walked to the dining area after changing my clothes and saw the three of them sitting together. I can't help but smile. Its been a long time since we ate dinner all together. We started eating and talked about a lot of things about mom's cooking recipes, father's work which is really a boring topic for me, my school and Jin's work as a doctor. Jin started talking about his experience as a doctor, adding his daddy jokes to it. My father can't stop himself from laughing at his lame jokes. I know that's a bit harsh, but to tell you the truth, it's really lame. Only elderly people will get his joke. The good thing about it is we ended the family dinner with a smile on our faces.


Chaeyoung POV

Today is my day off but Ms.Chen told me to go to the café. I wonder if Minhyuk has an emergency again. I ate my breakfast and took a shower after. I checked the time and it was already 10:30 am. I checked myself in front of the mirror to see if everything was all set. I frowned when I saw my hair looking so dry and damaged. I guess it's time for some hair makeover. It's been a long time since I actually went to a salon. I don't really remember when was the last time 6 months?. Nope, it's almost a year now. I can say that is the reason why it looks so damaged and dry. I quickly glanced at my wristwatch to check the time. 10:45 am I needed to go now or Hyeri and Jisoo would be mad at me if I would be late for our meeting.

I arrived at the café at exactly 11:05. I was 5 minutes late. I hurriedly went inside and looked around to see if they were already there but I saw no one. "Seriously?? they're later than me." I tiredly looked around and found Ms.Chen at the counter assisting the customer.

After the customer paid his order, Ms.Chen noticed me and waved her hand. I waved my hand back, then smiled.

"Boss, are you alone?" I asked, as I walked to her. "Where is Minhyuk?" I added, I tried to peek at the back of the counter to see if he is there.

"Minhyuk went out to buy some fresh milk and some stuff. We ran out of it." She replied, smiling at me.

"Oh I see, do you need a hand, boss?" She looked at me, then smiled. "No were good right now." She bent down and opened the drawer and started rummaging the inside trying to look for something. " I called you here because I want to give you this." She said handling me a small sheets of glossy card.

I tried to read what was on the glossy paper. "Everland Theme Park." I looked at her confused. "What's this boss?" She chuckled, looking at my dumbfounded face. " It's a ticket for the theme park." She replied, closing the drawer.

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