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"Hey, Y/N!" One of my new friends, Mike, said as I say down, my lunch tray in my hand. "Are you still gonna come to Hellfire tonight?" He asked, shuffling along to make room for me in between him and my other new friend, Dustin. I nodded, smiling.
"Do I get one of those cool shirts if I do?" I asked, grinning.
Dustin nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin on his face. "I'm pretty sure Eddie said he was bringing one of his spare ones until we make you your own one."
"Cool. Is this the Eddie I've been hearing about so much?" I asked, wondering if Dustin was referring to the Eddie that had been making my imagination run wild since I first heard about him. 
Yeah, that one." Mike said, rolling his eyes.
"You don't like him?" I asked Mike.
"No I do, he's just a legend among the girls at our school, just cause he's a big bad wolf." He said, grinning ironically.

I couldn't help but try to conceal my nerves- more new people.
"Ooh, Y/N's got a crush." Dustin said in a sing- song tone.
"I've never even met the guy!" I argued.
"I swear he was meant to come to lunch today." Dustin said, looking around. "He's not here." Dustin said. "I was hoping to introduce you to him."
Suddenly, a blur of long hair and silver rings jumped out of nowhere onto Dustin's back, making him scream.
"Who's being introduced?" A deep masculine voice said from behind me.
"EDDIE!!" Dustin yelled, trying to act angry to hide his laughter. "This is Y/N. She moved here recently and she's the one you were bringing the hellfire shirt for." Dustin said.

I looked around to see Eddie staring at me intently. "Erm, Hi?" I said, nerves shooting through my body.
"Hello, beautiful." He said with a wink. I felt blood rushing to my face and my throat felt dry. I just smiled sweetly in response.
"Did you bring Y/N a shirt?" Mike asked, smirking at the look on my face.
"Fuck." Eddie mumbled under his breath. "I forgot."
"Eddie!" Mike yelled, "You had one job!!"
"Its okay, i'll go back for it." He said, rolling his eyes at Mike. He held his hand out to me to help me out of the bench seat. "You coming, sweetheart?" I looked at Mike for reassurance, but he rolled his eyes back at Eddie and went back to his food.

I took his hand shakily and followed him out of the cafeteria, my heart pounding. I was so nervous, but something about him made me feel comfortable. I liked him already.
"Breathe, Y/N." I said to myself in my head, focusing on his back as I followed him through school. Once we left school, he set off for the woods. I looked at him, confused.
"Don't worry sweetheart, the only big bad wolf in the woods is me." He winked again, spinning around and continuing into the woods. I knew there was a trailer park on the other side of the woods, where one of Dustin and Mike's friends, Max Mayfield, lived.

Once we reached his trailer, he pushed the unlocked door open and ushered me in. "I'll be right back." he said, jogging into a different room. The smell of weed, sweat and cologne filled the trailer. It was clean but messy with clothes, books and guitar magazines littering the floor. He returned with a slightly crumpled shirt in his hand. "There you go, Y/N. You can go change in there." he said, handing me the shirt and pointing to a room at the bottom of the corridor.
"Thanks" I said, dropping my backpack next to the door and heading towards the room he pointed to.

I walked in instantly realized the room was Eddie's bedroom. I looked around in awe, the humor of the situation hitting me. I'd known the guy less than an hour and I was already in his bedroom. I didn't fully trust Eddie not to walk in, so I stripped off my t-shirt quickly and pulled his over my head. Leaving my t-shirt on his floor in a hurry to leave the room, I quickly checked myself in the floor length mirror. His shirt was big on me, but not too big, and it smelled amazing. I walked back into the living room of his trailer to see him lounging on the stained sofa, his arms stretched above his head, his stomach showing. I averted my eyes to the floor and mumbled "I'm ready."

He looked up at me, his eyes wide. "Woah, Y/N. You look good in my clothes." He said. He stood up and walked over to me until he was standing so close our chests were almost touching. He winked and I smiled, backing away to retrieve my backpack from the floor.
"Yes, sweetheart." He asked, his eyes wide as they stared into mine.
"I don't really know you and..." I trailed off awkwardly. "Never mind." I said, staring at his eyes.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I don't bite." He said, his voice deep. I smiled and opened the door, stepping into the brightness. I didn't realize how dark it was inside Eddie's trailer until the sun shone into my eyes. 

"So what did you think of my trailer?" He asked on the way back to school, making conversation. I was still nervous, but his charm that Mike mentioned seemed to have the same affect on me. 
"It's... nice." I said, a little lost for words. 
"Don't lie." He said with a chuckle. "If I'd known I was having company I would have tidied up." 
"Don't lie." I said with a smirk.
"You got me." He said, winking at me and shoving my shoulder. I shoved his, harder and it became a competition until we reached school again. 

The New Girl (Y/N X Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now