Clingy 2D x Reader-24 Hour No Kissing Challenge

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This is heavily inspired by AbbeyTrusty9 's 2D oneshots, check them out!

(This will take place in Phase 4)

I've been hearing about this challenge online, it's called the "No Kissing For 24 Hours Challenge" and couples usually do it. I'm kind of interested so I thought it'd be fun if me and 2D do it.

I walk up to him, "Hey 2D?" I get his attention.

"Yes love?" He says all cute. It makes me blush slightly.

"Um... I've heard of this challenge called the "No Kissing For 24 Hours Challenge" that couples do, would you like to try it?" I asked.

He thought for a minute, "Sure let's try it! If I get clingy it's your fault." He says jokingly.

I giggle, "Alright, we'll see what happens!"

[Timeskip: 12:47am]

We haven't started the challenge yet, I guess I'll start the timer now, I know for a fact he's going to get all clingy at least at one point.

"Hey love I just started the timer." I say to 2D.

"Alright, can we still sleep together?" He asked.

"Well yeah, just no kisses, easy right?" I say.

"I think it'll be easy." He says.

He hugs me as I lay down, I hug back, I know for him at least it's gonna be a long day tomorrow, I think I may be able to work though the urge.

[Timeskip: 8:32am]

I woke up with the sun in my eyes, I guess I left the shade slightly open by accident. 2D was still asleep but I decided to get up anyways, I'm sure the others were awake.

"Morning Y/n" Noodle says when I walk in the kitchen.

"Morning. Me and 2D are doing something interesting." I say.

She looks slightly confused when I say that, "Uh... what do you mean?" She says.

I tell her about the challenge. "OH THAT! I got so confused!" She says laughing. That was definitely taken out of context.

"Can you go wake him up?" Russel asked, he was the one cooking breakfast.

"Got ya!" I said and walked to our room.

I walked in to see 2D was still asleep, I got closer to him to try and wake him.

"2D... hey! It's time to wake up!" I say whispering for some reason.

Before I could tap him or something he grabs me and pulled me close to him.

"Please... sleep with me longer..." He said with a sleepy voice, his eyes were still closed.

"Russel wanted me to wake you up!" I say trying to loosen his grip on me.

"Fine then..." He says letting me go. I got up and watched him get up, I can tell he was indeed struggling with this challenge.

[Timeskip: 12:30pm]

This challenge is a bit hard but it's not too bad, for me at least, For 2D I think he's struggling a bit more. He's been on his phone most of the time instead of cuddling me like he does, maybe he thinks if he does that it'll trigger him to kiss me.

This is definitely going to be a long day for the both of us, we've only got 12 hours left.

[Timeskip: 12:46am]

It's almost time for the timer to go off, 2D was just staring at the clock while I got ready for bed, He was really wanting this to be over.

The timer went off, 2D looked at me, "Is that the timer? Is the challenge over?" He asked me.

"Yes that's the timer! I think we did gre-" 2D kissed me mid sentence, I was surprised he did it THAT quick.

"Wow..." I said.

"S-Sorry love... I've been dying to do that since the timer started... I love you so much..." He said.

"It's no big deal... honestly I'm surprised you didn't kiss me DURING the challenge!" I say jokingly.

"Haha yeah!"

We both went to bed happy and kind of relieved the challenge was over, we're definitely not doing that again.

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