2D x Reader-Valentine's Day

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(This takes place during the current Phase as of writing this, 7.5)

February 14th, the day everyone couple unites, whether it's in person or on call, they celebrate their love in some sort of way. For newer couples, it's exciting as hell, but as the years go by, something it's not as special anymore, I call bullshit, no matter what a couple will always love and appreciate Valentine's Day and they will always try to impress their partner in some sort of way. It never feels predictable, right?

I have been planning what to get 2D for sometime now, looking online for lots of ideas, I wanted to do something new but still be traditional in some sort of way. Not as easy as many think, but I'm gonna do my best, anything for my love!!

The others thought of a good way to distract 2D while I made what I wanted to make, I decided to create something instead of buying him something again, while buying him chocolates is still a nice thought for sure, I didn't want to repeat anything again. Pintrest was my biggest helper, there were tons of DIY things to make your partner. After what felt like ages of searching, I had finally found what I wanted to make, a little foldable thing with pictures of us over the years and other little cute decorations one it.

(Link to what is being mentioned here https://pin.it/5C3ouD1rO, tell me if the link works!!)

It was finally time to get to work, I texted Noodle to keep him distracted for a while longer so I could get to working and she replied with a smile and thumbs up emoji, after that, I immediately dropped everything to get working.

[Timeskip: 2 hours later]

They were almost home, I'm super excited to show 2D what I had made him for this special day, I really hope he likes it. I waited patiently as the door unlocked and opened and everyone came in with something in their hands.

Murdoc came in with a bottle of Charles Krug Cabernet Sauvignon wine, he definitely got that just for himself.

Noodle came in with 2 or 3 bags of Valentine's themed candy, as she came in she shouted with excitement, "Valentine's sales are awesome!! Woo!!!"

Russel came in with some boxes of chocolate cherries, looking at them with excitement to eat some, he usually likes eating them this time of year.

Last but not least, 2D came in with a little gift bag, they all most likely helped with assemble it before coming inside. He had a very excited, nervous and flustered look on his face.

"Did you all have fun?" I say trying to hide my own excitement.

"Somewhat, the store was packed! I had no idea so many people go shopping on Valentine's Day, there were TONS of couples walking around all giddy, smooching left and right, ugh, I don't understand how they can all be taken while I'm still a single man!!" Murdoc says, obviously showing his displeasure of being single on Valentine's Day.

"Oh gosh Murdoc, get over yourself! You're not the only single person in the world!" Noodle says picking on him while being a little serious.

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