Chapter 7

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A few months passed with nothing interesting happening. I trained with Shimoto, then trained with Felix and by the end of the day I always ended up back in Amethyst's bed. I've come to the point where Shimoto has taught me everything he knows and Felix as well. I took this as my opportunity to ask Amethyst to train me further. I knew how powerful my father was and wanted to be as prepared as I could be. It was morning and I was laying in bed with Amethyst as usual.

"Hey, are you awake?"

"Hmm, now I am."

"I was wondering if you could teach me how to fight today?"

"Getting bored of Shimoto and Felix?"

"No, just nothing new to learn anymore and I heard you were skilled with the sword."

The fondness in her eyes changed to that of sorrow for a second. I wish I could know what she was thinking of right now.

"I would love to teach you, angel."

Amethyst gave me a kiss on the forehead and got up out of bed. It has become normal by now. We sleep in the same bed, give each other kisses everywhere but the lips and look for excuses to touch each other. I think we have gone farther than normal friends, but maybe this is normal in Greece? I got up out of bed as well and walked over to Amethyst's wardrobe. I put my clothes in there as well, since I spent every night in this room. I pick out some clothes that are comfortable to fight in and follow Amethyst outside. We grab the two wooden swords from Shimoto and start our training. I immediately noticed how good Amethyst was in sword fighting, Shimoto definitely wasn't lying about that. Amethyst and I spar for a little bit, but I keep losing. Eventually Amethyst decides it's better to first teach me some new techniques. She got closer to me and touched me to move my hands into certain positions. I picked up on these new techniques and we went back to sparring. This time I was able to hold out longer against Amethyst, but I still lost in the end.

"It will be long before you can ever beat me, angel."

"I shall make it my mission to defeat you then."

"I would like to see you try. Maybe you can defeat Shimoto now if you are lucky."

"I will challenge him and prove to you that I am a strong warrior!"

"Yes, yes you will, angel."

"Just watch me!"

"Oh, I will be watching you. Now come with me. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? For me?"

Amethyst just nods and takes my hand. She led me across the small copper bridge over to the grand weeping willow. There I see a blanket laid out with a variety of foods on it. We sat down together and ate the delicious food. Amethyst poured me a glass of wine and I sipped from it while I talked to Amethyst. It was so much fun and kind of romantic. We spent the whole evening like that till the food was gone and the wine bottle was empty. We then laid down on the blanket and watched the stars. Amethyst pointed out different constellations to me and I listened eagerly. All the training had exhausted me and slowly I fell asleep listening to Amethyst's sweet voice.

I felt something nudging me and I opened my eyes. I was back in Amethyst's room, and it was light outside.

"Good morning?"

"Good morning, angel."

Amethyst must have brought me inside then. I feel kind of bad falling asleep on her.

"What is the plan for today?"

"You are going with Xafia and Felix into town. They will explain what you will have to do exactly."

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