Chapter 8

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I was resolute to confess to Amethyst. The worst thing that could happen is that she rejects me. It would surely leave me heartbroken, but nothing I couldn't move on from. I don't know how to tell her though. I can hardly go up to her and say: hey I like you and I would very much like to kiss you. I laid awake with these thoughts until I felt Amethyst stir beside me. I took a moment to really look at her. She is so beautiful and looks so peaceful while sleeping. I trail my fingers along her jaw, and she suddenly opens her eyes. Startled, I quickly tried to pull my hand back, but Amethyst held on to it.

"Good morning, angel. You weren't checking me out, were you?"

"I- What if I was?"

"Then I would feel honoured to have caught your eye. I actually wanted to ask you if you would want to go out with me?""

"And what would you like to do then?"

"I was thinking about horseback riding and a picnic in the woods?"

"Sounds lovely."

I gave Amethyst a big smile and together we went into the kitchen to prepare food for the picnic. Everything was ready and we went outside to load it onto the horse. I remembered there was only one horse, which means Amethyst and I had to share it. Every excuse to be close to Amethyst was a good excuse. Amethyst got on the horse and held out her hand for me like she did when we left Ayako's house. I eagerly grabbed it and hugged her waist when I sat down. I listened to her gentle heartbeat while we rode through the woods. I love this, just being able to be near Amethyst is enough for me, but I do wish I could do more. We stopped and I looked around as to where we were. There was a magnificent waterfall that ended in a pond and the surroundings looked absolutely magical. There was a small alcove near the waterfall with vines dripping down in front of it. We moved some of the vines out of the way and set up the picnic there. This place feels so magical and romantic that I want to confess here. I definitely have to do it before we leave. Amethyst and I talked while we ate the food. There were all sorts of things from cheese and olives to fuji apples and yuzu. Eventually we finished eating all the food and I got up and walked towards the waterfall. Amethyst followed behind me. I reached out and grabbed her hands in mine.


"What is it, angel?"

"I- I wanted to tell you something."

Amethyst looked at me expectantly and I took a deep breath before I continued.

"I um, I really like you. More than just friends..."

Amethyst doesn't respond. I have messed it up, haven't I? I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up and my mouth starts rambling.

"Of Course, you don't have to do anything with this information! I understand if you just want to stay friends. I just thought that maybe you might like me back and Felix encouraged me to confess and I-."

Amethyst's lips collided with mine and I stopped rambling.

"I like you too, I just didn't expect you to make the first move, angel."

Lust took over me and I pulled amethyst back in. The kiss was sweet but passionate at the same time, like we were both waiting to do this. We broke apart to catch our breath and decided to sit down with our feet dangling in the water. I leaned my head on Amethyst's shoulder, she pressed a kiss to my forehead and wrapped her arm around me. We stayed like that for hours, just talking, until the sun began to set, and we had to leave. When we arrived back at the cabin everybody had already gone off to bed. Amethyst and I laid down together in the bed that we had spent so many nights in already. We kissed each other good night and fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day I had another training session with Felix. There might have been nothing new to learn anymore, but that didn't mean I didn't still have to practise what I had already learned. Felix practised with me for a few hours before we decided to take a break and sit down by the water.

"I talked to Amethyst yesterday, you know?"

"Really? Did you confess to her?"

"I did, it was really nerve wrecking though. For a second, I really thought I had messed everything up!"

"But you didn't?"

"She didn't reply at first, so I got anxious and started rambling and then she kissed me and told me she liked me back."

"Well, I guess this means that I should confess to Shimoto as well. To be honest I didn't expect you to have the guts to tell her."

"Neither did I, but you should tell him. Tell him now before it's too late or else you might regret it."

"I will, I will."

"Do it after dinner, under the weeping willow that would be romantic!"

"Weeping willow doesn't really scream romance, but sure I will do that."

We continued training afterwards until it was time for dinner. I could notice that Felix was nervous during dinner, which probably meant that he truly was going to confess to Shimoto. Dinner was soon over, and I saw Felix take Shimoto outside. I sneaked into the kitchen and looked out of the window into the garden. Felix was talking with Shimoto when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I looked to see who it was.

"What are you doing, angel?"

"Just a little bit of matchmaking, look."

I pointed outside to where Felix and Shimoto were talking. Shimoto was now saying something and from the excited look in Felix's eyes it must be good news. In the spur of the moment Felix kisses Shimoto.

"That is our cue to leave. They can take it from here themselves, my job is done."

Laughing, I take Amethyst back to her room. Once the door closes, I kiss her passionately.

"If I knew you liked me this much, I would have confessed ages ago."

"I'm just so happy. Seeing Felix making the leap like I did myself and then something beautiful coming from it! It is truly wonderful."

"Alright, alright lovebird let's lay down in bed and talk, okay?"

We cuddled each other in bed and talked. I told Amethyst how I encouraged Felix to take the first step and Amethyst listened attentively.

"Hey, something has been on my mind for a while now."

"And what would that be, angel?"

"I heard what Mason did to Felix, Shimoto and Xafia and I wondered what he did to you. It pains me to know that my father has hurt people I am so fond of."

"Sorry, Micah, but I don't really want to talk about it. It's too painful for me, the only thing I will tell you is that he killed a lot of people I cared about."

"I understand, thank you for sharing that little bit with me though."

"The past can't be changed, but the future can. We have the opportunity to take Mason down and hold him accountable for all the suffering he has caused. That is the only thing that matters, alright?"

"He will pay for what he did, I will make sure of that."

Amethyst gave me a kiss on my forehead, and we went to sleep. 

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