Chapter 4: The Tearful Apology

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Anais tried and failed to hold back tears. She'd never meant for things to go this far, she had gotten far too carried away, taken things way too far, and now Gumball hated her...Disowned her.

Nicole turned to her, furious, and began shouting. "What on earth was that all about!? What did you do to him!?"


She tried to respond but still couldn't form any words, being in a state of shock.


Darwin took pity and answered for her. "She blackmailed Gumball into agreeing to a bet where if he lost the game, which he did, he has to not go on the camping trip and watch Daisy the Donkey with her every day instead."

Nicole and Richard both gasped and frowned at her. "She did what!? could you!? You know how much that trip meant to him, why would you ever do something like that to him!? What has he ever done to you to deserve that!?"

She remained silent, in tears and unable to say anything.

Nicole thought back to the game and covered her mouth, her ears falling as she gasped quietly. "He was telling the truth..."

"About what?" Richard asked her.

"About him and Anais cheating...he said he wasn't cheating but I didn't listen to him...I set him back...if I had just listened to him he might have still won..."

Richard then gasped too. "and when you thumped the table, that was on purpose! You guilt-tripped me with your adorableness! How could you trick your own father like that?!" Richard realized.

Nicole turned to Anais looking furious. "You young lady...I can't believe you! Gumball said you cheated but I believed you because I thought you were above that! I can't believe you would do such a thing, especially to win such a cruel bet! I am so disappointed in you!"

Her ears lowered as she looked down in shame."I...I-I-I'm s-sorry..." She managed to get out quietly.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to! You are going to go and apologize to Gumball, right now, and call off the bet, then you are going to go to your room because you are grounded! No Daisy the Donkey, books, science experiments, or internet for the next two weeks!"

"What?! But that's the whole holiday!" Anais called out horrified.

"Exactly! You wanted to ruin his holiday, so now I'm ruining yours!"


"No arguing, you only have yourself to blame! Go and apologize, NOW!"

"O-okay..." She sniffed.

She slowly got up shaking heavily and went to the stairs.

She could barely go up the steps, having to force herself to do so.

As she went up each step she felt worse and worse. She had a knot in her stomach that was continually growing tighter, she had never felt so guilt-stricken and regretful before.

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