More Trouble For This Hiki-Neet!

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It's recommended to fully read either Classroom of the Elite or Konosuba then watch the anime of one of them in order to enjoy this fanfiction.

This prologue could be mostly ignored as most of it is unnecessary filler in order to have Kazuma and Co.  attend ANHS. So feel free to skip this.


The sobbing Aqua was currently being comforted by her kouhai, Eris. This was a scene that I'd never thought I'd be able to witness.

Aqua crying real tears, not those sobs or sniffles when things don't go her way. No, she was shedding tears because I was dead. Literally.

My body had been disintegrated by my explosion, along with the Demon King. Hopefully.

Aqua's sobbing soon turned quiet as she let go of Eris's embrace, muttering a small 'thank you' as they parted.

Eris them turns to me and gives me a few extra choices,

"Since you were the hero who defeated the demon king, you'll be getting two more choices."

She raises one of her fingers from her right hand.

"First, you can go and get reincarnated back in Japan with your ideal lover and a small fortune. "

She pauses before continuing.

"Or you can have your body again and go back to my world. "

Aqua's beamed immediately as if she had not been sobbing a few moments ago.

"Ne, Kazuma-san. The choice is easy right? You want go back with us right?" Seeing that I was staying quiet, she started shaking me and repeating her words. Though a bit more desparate.

"Right, Kazuma-san? Stop joking around already. I know you want to see Megumin again or your beloved little sister. Hell, maybe even Darkness. " She didn't stop shaking me, by the way.

"Shut up will you! I'm trying to think here! " I snapped at her.

I fully expected her to start with her sobbing again, but to my surprise she stayed quiet.

I looked towards my Big Boss, Eris-sama. Once she caught me looking at her, she responded with a cheeky grin as if already knowing what choice I'll make .

Is there even a choice? The answer seems so obviously simple. If I go back to Japan, then I get to live my dream life with my ideal woman.

Compared to that world where I have incompetent teammates and get treated like shit...

I took in a deep breath...

"Please send me back to that damn world that I hate so much."

Both goddesses smile at me, happy with my decision to go back.

Of course I would. I have a mansion, a large fortune, a lover, an adoring little sister and all my friends are there. I'd be a damn fool to leave all that behind.

Plus...I don't trust myself that I won't mess up again in Japan. So the choice was obvious.

Eris smile warmly at me.

"I hope you don't regret you're decision to come back there Kazuma-kun." Oh, I probably will at some points.

As Eris was preparing to send me back, Aqua interrupted her.

"Wait, Kazuma-san! Since you defeated the demon king, you still have that one wish. "

Eris looks at her, confused.

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