A Fool's Bargaining Chip

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Summary: Does Techno make a new friend? I don't know, but he does agree to a bargain he's bound to regret. Part two of HTUT!

Content Warning: Flashback, Injury, Light mention of blood and pain

Technoblade was no stranger to silence. The voices in his head allowed a rare moment like that to be savored. But he was not getting any silence from the family he'd been surrounded by.

It had been two days since he and Philza arrived at Phil's home. The two of them had used that time to rest, and recover from the war they'd led.

Phil had been with his family, a group of unique individuals, but Technoblade had been holed up in his room, afraid. He wasn't afraid of Phil's people, but he didn't think he was ready to be in a room with that many people at once. Nobody had disturbed him, Niki had knocked once to tell him that her room was beside his and that he could come to talk to her if he wished. Techno appreciated the kind gesture. Phil had praised Niki for her kindness, and Techno could see why. Phil and Kristin came up with food three times a day, and Phil kept him company sometimes.

Despite being in his room all day, Techno used the time wisely and wrote many things. He wrote stories, tales of his adventures, and the war, a method he used to remember everything. He had a multitude of journals, all of them were with him at all times, records of history, stories whispering both fear and happiness. There were centuries worth of life in these journals, leatherbound and hidden. They were for the Blood God's eyes alone.

Along with the non-existent silence, the voices had also been acting up, and Techno would experience violent migraines so much to the point that Kristin considered medication. He waved the suggestion away, knowing full well that mundane appliances such as medication would be of no use to him. Philza grew more concerned for his friend, his current condition was one that Techno had not been in for a very long time. Techno tried to downplay it, causing a scene would be the last thing he wanted, especially because there were children, strangers at that.

"Hey, mate. How you holdin' up?"

Techno looked up from his journal. He knew Philza had been coming up before he'd spoken. Recognizing his steps from years on the battlefield. Phil leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed and a light smile on his face. He dressed as he always had, a long green and white striped shirt with a pair of loose white pants. Techno had always disapproved of his companion's choice of clothes, finding it unpractical and far too casual for the events he'd attended. Phil's wings were stretched out, blocking the left side of the doorway, assuring Techno that he was out of view. The first thing Techno had learned about this household was that privacy was difficult. With so many people in the house, Techno found it hard to find a second without Tommy's screaming or the casual laughter. It wasn't a bad thing, but Techno wondered whether he was still trapped in the mindset of a warrior. He would always have his habits, always have his guard up, but he had noticed that his friend was slowly slipping. Techno in no way blamed him, it wasn't a bad thing, to be carefree, but Techno wouldn't allow himself to do so.

He realized that Phil was still waiting for an answer, "I'm fine Phil, and you?" Techno wasn't sure of the territory the two friends were stepping in. The air around them was never awkward, but Techno found himself refusing to let even Phil— his closest and only friend, try and help him. He wasn't sure why perhaps it had something to do with the change of pace in his life, perhaps he would have to situate himself first. Whatever it was, Phil seemed to catch on rather quickly, and Techno hadn't expected anything else. The two knew each other like the backs of their hands, despite the lack of background knowledge, they did not have to look out for their respected weaknesses around one another.

"Fine, just fine. We're having lunch, come join us won't you Tech?"

"Phil... I'm not sure that's the best idea." Techno sighed, closing his journal carefully and storing it away. Philza had inquired about the journals before, but after Techno's reply, he had stopped asking.

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