Delusion and Diffusion

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Summary: Wilbur is angsty again, Technoblade opens up to Niki about an old friend.

Content Warning: Angst, fighting, mention of death (but it is positively said)

Looking through his journals, Techno realized that this was quite literally, an open book of answer sheets. Anyone with the motive to kill him could do so if this got into the wrong hands. Today, the one who started the trouble was not Tommy, but Wilbur. 

Since the argument that took place, the atmosphere of Phil's home was not the same. Tubbo, Tommy, and Niki were the same, and so was Ranboo, but Wilbur... the oldest son of Techno's friend uneased the god.

Wilbur was not easy. He was complex, and Techno wished that he could pick his brain and understand the boy. He didn't want to be an enemy of Phil's eldest, certainly not. But what Technoblade hadn't expected, was that Wilbur would find the answers to his questions without the use of verbal questioning. 

It started off as a normal day for Technoblade, and as always, Techno was on edge. There was an unmistakable tension in the air, it was still eerily calm in contrast to the loud huffing of Wilbur that had been the norm for the past few days. That was until Wilbur had stormed into the kitchen, interrupting the dinner Kristin was preparing. 


Wilbur's brash tone was not welcomed in Techno's ears, and from the looks of it, Tubbo beside the god seemed to feel anxious. Techno had picked up on what the boy was frightened of over the last few days. 

Tubbo had a heavy dislike for loud noises, screaming, and uninstigated acts of physical touch. The only people he seemed to be comfortable enough around were Tommy and Ranboo. As well as Tubbo, Techno had started noticing the other people around the house, what they were afraid of or what brought them discomfort.

 For Niki, it was fire, talk, or mention of explosions, L'Manberg, and also the smell of gunpowder. She also seemed to visibly tense up when there were unpredicted acts or talks of violence. She would talk about the explosions she'd witnessed with a tone so far away that Techno had stopped asking about them. Niki also exhibited clear signs of Pyrophobia and Claustrophobia.

 For Tommy, there were quite a few. Tommy disliked confrontation, he also disliked the color blue— Techno hadn't quite figured that one out yet, and the sudden outbursts of dark humor Tommy exhibited were signs of trauma. Tubbo had tried to explain that Dream had messed with Tommy quite a lot before Wilbur had done what he'd done. Tommy also disliked it when people told him what to do, unlike normal people, Tommy would seemingly comply, but he'd look frightened doing so. He also seemed to have an intense fear of Lava, much like the pyrophobia that Niki had. Techno assumed had something to do with the way Dream and Wilbur may have treated him. Tommy's greatest fear seemed to change, which deeply relates to the fear of pain he had briefly mentioned to Techno about.

Ranboo disliked eye contact, confrontation, and any talk of choosing between things, and water. The last one was most certainly from his enderman side, but Techno predicted that the emotional distress Ranboo exhibited was from the voices.

Wilbur was a difficult one to figure out. From what Techno had been told, Wilbur was a pyromaniac. Wilbur seemed to despise traitors, Tommy had told Techno that the amount of betrayal Wilbur had experienced had affected his trust. Based on the things Techno knew about the boy, Wilbur didn't like being depicted and the lack of trust in others explained the hostility he felt towards the Blood God.

Despite all this, Techno noticed the likes as well. Niki loved to bake, Tommy loved to listen to his two prized discs, Tubbo liked to sit with the animals and listen to the discs with Tommy, Ranboo liked to write, much like Techno, he kept a journal as well, and Wilbur liked to sing as well as write novels. This was something that Techno was interested in because Tommy had talked vaguely about a book Wilbur had been working on.

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