Condescendingly Placed Bets

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Summary: Tommy is annoying Technoblade to the point of an outburst. A surprise visitor comes and dies. This one was confusing, I'm not even going to deny it.

Content Warning: Death (not described), fighting (verbal)

Soon, the summer air turned windy. A telltale sign that fall was coming. This changed little besides the weather, but Techno appreciated the wind. It was a quiet day and with everyone ushered inside due to the brisk winds, Technoblade's patience was particularly thin. The voices had not been easy to manage in the recent days, Techno found himself quick to anger, snapping pencil after pencil as he tried to write.

Phil had noticed but hadn't said anything. He knew that his friend would tell him when he found it necessary, and Phil trusted him.

This particular evening, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air, easy chatter floated throughout the wooden house, and of course, Wilbur's guitar strummed along to a melody that only Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, and himself seemed to know. It was a sad tune, the words clearly written with meaning and Techno saw the four of them staring somberly into the fireplace as they gently hummed along.

Sadly, with Wilbur's guitar, often came the mention of Techno's own musical talents. Wilbur hadn't pried about whether Techno would ever want to play a piece with him, but Techno had found a rolled-up sheet of music at his door one morning. Ever since Tommy had learned of Techno's abilities to play the violin, he'd been asking the god none stop. This drove Techno to the edge of his seat, and Phil scolded his youngest son countlessly in an attempt to stop him.

Today was no different. Tommy sat on the floor by his father's feet as he pestered the pink-haired god. He went on about music, frankly, nobody knew why he wanted to hear Techno play as badly as he did. Wilbur sat beside Niki watching his brother. Techno knew he was curious as well, but he never asked. 

"C'mon Technoblade, please, can you, can you please. I'll shut up if you-" The blonde boy goes instantaneously silent the second Technoblade's palm hits the table. Techno looked at Tommy, blood red eyes violent and bright. Tommy looked almost fearful. Phil tensed, and Techno stood up and walked out of the room without another word. Two clicks followed and a slam of a door, the living room was stunned into silence. Kristin let out a long sigh, somewhere between sadness and guilt. Niki stared at the space Techno had been sitting in just a second before, her eyes slightly wide. Tubbo, never having handled loud noises well— some past problem that only Tommy and Phil knew of, looked at Kristin anxiously. The latter placed a calming arm around the boy for a minute, comforting him. Ranboo sat still in his chair, waiting for Kristin to say something, anything.

Wilbur, setting his guitar down, spoke for his mother, "Tommy. What the fuck was that?"

"Wilbur, language please." Kristin chided, her tone tired and drained. It was half-hearted and quiet. She seemed to have aged a thousand years, "It isn't your fault Tommy, the pestering...perhaps, but not this outburst."

"P-pardon me," Niki whispered as she rose from where she sat beside Wilbur. Her voice was wavering and her eyes were worried. Her hands were shaking as she closed the door behind her. Wilbur frowned after her absence.

"Does she know something?" Wilbur asked accusingly, looking at Kristin with eyes that mirrored her own.

"There is nothing to know Wilbur-"

"But there is! It's obvious that as much as Father may trust Technoblade, there is something odd about him. Don't you agree Tommy? Tubbo? Ranboo?" Wilbur interrupted. Tubo gave a small shrug— still visibly shaken, and Tommy nodded, entirely in agreement with his older brother. Ranboo merely sat there.

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