Chapter Twelve: Lyla

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I was so mad at Xavier. I couldn't believe he was keeping something from me. Mates were supposed to be honest with each other. I didn't like the feeling I had, knowing he was keeping something from me.

I stayed away from him for the rest of the night. I ate dinner in my room and read one of my books for a little while. Then, I took a shower and got ready for bed.

Of course I was mad at him, but I still wanted to be near him. Without saying a word, I went into his room, got under the covers and shut my eyes. I felt Xavier climb into bed with me. He shut off the light, and stayed on his side of the bed, wanting to give me space. I appreciated that.

A few hours later, I woke up in total agony. It was as if every nerve in my body was on fire. No matter how I positioned myself on the bed, the pain was still there. I grabbed Xavier's arm and shook it, which woke him up.

"X– Xavier help, please," I begged.

"What is it, Lyla," he asked, very alarmed. "What's wrong?"

"Fire, everywhere. It burns!" was all I could manage to get out before another wave of pain overtook me.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. You're in heat," he explained. "It happens to female werewolves who were marked by their mates but haven't mated."

Great, I thought to myself. Why am I getting punished for wanting to take things slow with Xavier.

"Can. Anything. Help. It. Go Away?" I said through gritted teeth. I wasn't ready to have sex with Xavier. I needed another option.

"Yes, there is," said Xavier while he kissed my cheek. "Masturbation helps ease the pain temporarily."

"What's that?" I asked.

Xavier smiled. "My sweet little innocent mate. It's when you touch yourself. Sexually."

"Oh," I gasped. I had never done it before, but I was willing to try anything to make the pain stop.

"Here, let me help get you a little wet first," Xavier said as he scooted over closer to me. He began kissing me, softly at first, but then rougher. His mouth moved down to my shoulder, to my mark. He began nibbling at that flesh at the base of my neck. It was super sensitive.

As I became more turned on, I could feel my folds getting wetter. Sensing this, Xavier pulled away and sat at the bottom edge of the bed, with his back to me.

"I'll tell you what to do, little one. Just listen to my voice," he said. "Start by sliding your hands down into your shorts and underwear, so it rests on your vulva."

I did as he said, riddled with anticipation.

"Starting at the bottom base of your pussy, take one finger and slide it between your folds, collecting your moisture."

Reaching down deeper into my pussy, I could feel how wet I was.

"Now, at the top of your pussy, you should feel a little nub. That's your clitoris baby, it's very sensitive. Start rubbing it, gently at first."

Following Xavier's instructions, I found my clit. It was protruding because I was so turned on. I started rubbing it. The feeling was amazing. It was as if someone poured ice cold water on all my nerves that were on fire.

"The pain from being in heat should start to subside, as long as you keep rubbing," Xavier explained.

I did as he said as soon the pain was almost entirely gone. I slid my hand out from underneath my underwear and curled into the fetal position, sighing happily. I felt Xavier kiss the top of my head before I fell into a deep sleep.

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