11.) Criminal

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One Week Later

  "So, this is your office. Kikimora can help you if you need it while getting adjusted. But between you and me, it's better to ask a scout or one of us because she's a jerk." I tell Raine while gesturing to me and Hunter.

  "Your induction will be in about a week. If you have any questions, let us know. But this is where we break off, we have training." Hunter adds.

  "Thanks, have fun." Raine smiles before shutting the door.

  "Do you have your coat? Your guitar?" Hunter asks.

  "Yeah, we're all set. Let's go." I turn to the door that leads to the ship.

  "We look ridiculous wearing all of this in Bonesborough on a ninety-degree day." He gestures to our snow outfits.

  "That's awfully glass half-empty of you, we'll fit in perfectly on the Knee." I elbow him.

  "Before we can go to the Knee, don't forget about our stop in Latissa." He says as we reach the ship.

  "Duh, we can't have training without recruits." I laugh.

  "Everything is ready for our departure," Kikimora says from aboard the ship.

  "Perfect." I smile and try not to vomit in my mouth.

  "I don't want to scare you but you have a...newt? Salamander? Is there a difference? On your shoulder." Hunter tells me.

  "Oh, this guy? He's been following me around for a day or two. His name's Harry." I point to the blue creature. "But yes and no, all newts are salamanders but not all salamanders are newts. Or maybe it's the other way around."

  "Weird," Hunter mumbles before we start boarding the ship.

  "We will land in Latissa not too long from now, only about five to seven minutes." Kikimora announces from the pilot area.

  "You got it," Hunter speaks up as I toss myself into one of the seats.

  My legs rest on and dangle off of one of the arms and my head rests on the other arm. I let the guitar rest in my stomach and I hold the neck so I can play. I mindlessly strum as the ship becomes airborne. Harry still rests on my shoulder, occasionally moving around.

  "So, how'd the Palisman mission go last night?" I ask Hunter who's awkwardly standing a few feet away.

  "Terrible. Long story short, I didn't get them and my ship crashed. I'll tell you more about it later." He says quietly before pointing to Kikimora.

  "Ah, got it." I nod as my eyes move back to my guitar.

  "What are you playing?" He asks.

  "Some stuff from my band back home." I shrug.

  "You're in a band?" He laughs.

  "Yep, The Celestial Beings. Dumb, I know. We're all Marvel fans so that's kinda where it came from." I shake my head with a laugh.

  "What's Marvel?"

  "Oh, right. I guess it's a franchise of superhero movies and comics." I shrug.

  "What are you gonna do with the little guy on the Knee?" He points to Harry.

  "I brought a scarf for him to stay warm in. I don't know if it's the same here but they get really weird in the cold so just in case." I explain.

  "I was just in Latissa last night and the scouts here are insane. They thought my sigil was a fake tattoo." He scoffs.

  "You're always yelling at me about not wearing my mask and uniform but you did the same thing? Classic Hunter." I joke.

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