25.) All Yours

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  Hunter || The Grimwalker

  "Guess who just got their license!" Mrs. Noceda announces from the door.

  "Woohoo! Go, Y/N!" Luz yelps and runs to them. I just smile at Y/N as the congratulations roll in.

  "Now you can drive us anywhere we want." Willow nudges her arm with a big smile.

  "We should go see a human beach," I suggest and Y/N's eyes practically light up.

  "Boring." Luz groans. "We should go buy a bunch of candy from the gas station."

  "Why don't we do both?" Y/N shrugs while grabbing her library books. It seems like I'm the only one that noticed.

  "Do both AFTER dinner. I'll get it started." Their mom laughs and heads to the kitchen.

  "I'll be outside," Y/N announces on her way to the door.

  "Again?" I ask.

  "Yeah, I'm close to finding a way home, I know it." They nod confidently, closing the door behind them.

  "Is anyone else worried?" Amity asks.

  "Very much so." I nod.

  "She's listened to Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie fifteen times today." Luz sighs. "Probably listening to it right now."

  "We want to get home, of course, but it's still okay to take some breaks. Looking for an answer all the time won't get you one." Willow says.

  "I'm gonna go out there," I say and realize I haven't taken my eyes off of her this whole time.

  "Good luck taming the shrew." Luz leans back and grabs the TV remote.

  I stand up and open the door to the front porch where Y/N is. She looks perfect and imperfect just like they did at the coven gala. The wind moves their hair lightly and she just captures my attention immediately. My heart even feels like it skipped a beat. She looks up from the book and gives me a small smile. I go to sit beside her on the floor of the porch.

  "You're always reading now." I sigh and lean closer to her, turning my head to show that she has my undivided attention.

  "I have to." She laughs softly.

  "Looking for an answer all the time won't get you one." I quote Willow.

  "Maybe that's true but I feel weird if I'm not trying. I always try." They shrug.

  "You don't have to try all the time. Just be wherever you are and do what makes you happy. I've missed you. I mean, I miss being alone with you like we used to." I admit as she finally shuts the book.

  "I miss it too." She takes my hand.

  "And I'm sorry about that thing with your friends yesterday." I continue.

  "It's okay. I already knew they were gonna say something when I said you were my boyfriend. It's like they don't want each other to be happy unless they're happy too. This happens every time one of them dates someone." She explains. "But I never let them pick on Luz. Not in front of her anyways. Sometimes they would make dumb comments that I let slide because it wasn't worth the fight."

  "I'm proud of you for being able to stick up to them." I nudge her gently.

  "I hated hearing them talk about you and everyone else like that. But especially you. You're the only thing that makes sense to me right now and it made me so mad. You don't look sickly and your voice isn't annoying." They squeeze my hand.

Something to Prove (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now