Short But Sweet

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"Homecoming tickets just went on sale," Gwen blurted the next afternoon at lunch.

"What?" Clay choked through a mouthful of something that was probably supposed to be lasagna. The lunch ladies at Northwest were certainly creative.

"I--I was thinking of asking Harley if he wanted to come." Gwen fiddled with the hem of her skirt and avoided eye contact. "I mean, you're his only friend besides me. What did you think?"

Clay swallowed down a mouthful of chocolate milk and shrugged. "Sure. I mean, he's not much of a dancer, like you are."

Gwen made a noise of protest. "I beg to differ."

"Maybe, but it's not like he's going to be in any condition to dance next month."

Gwen sighed. "That's true. See, I knew this was a bad idea. Nevermind." She grabbed her backpack, no longer hungry.

Clay grabbed her arm as she stood, somewhat aggressively. A strange light shone in his eyes, like he'd had a great idea. "He'd love it, no. Both of you should go."

Gwen smiled uncertainly, still unsure what was wrong with the way Clay was grinning. "You sure?"



Gwen still wasn't sure. Boys were the ones to ask the girl to homecoming---and although she knew he probably wouldn't go if it weren't for her, it still made her hesitate.

They were sitting on the curb outside the dance studio, waiting for Tony to come pick Harley up. Rain had started from a sprinkle and was now in a steady drizzle. He'd given her his jacket in a feeble attempt to keep dry from the rain. Luckily, he still had a sweatshirt, otherwise she would've refused it with his health that was a lot more fragile than her own.

Their legs stretched out in front of them, Gwen's teal converse next to Harley's one old tennis shoe and left leg covered in a plastic bag from the rain.

Gwen stared at his right shoe as she tried to work up the courage. A worn-out Nike that was so old and dirty it was gray. She could be wrong, but she was pretty sure it was one of Peter's old shoes.

"Is that Peter's shoe?" she asked slowly. Harley bounced his foot back and forth before replying.


Gwen stared at their hands, resting a mere foot apart. She inched hers forward until they were touching.

His warm fingers grasped hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. She looked away with a smile, tapping her thumb against his knuckles.

Don't go like everyone else, she silently begged.

"Harley?" She wet her lips nervously, glancing over at him. A hood was pulled over his fluffy hair, which had grown steadily lighter and less greasy since she'd ran into him back in April until it was back to its usual color. Had that really been four months ago?

"Hm?" Harley didn't look away from where he watched the cars whooshing past on the rainy road, headlights leaving little lines blurring through Gwen's vision. His good foot bounced out a rhythm only he could hear.

"I like you."

She even startled herself with the obviousness of the announcement. Harley glanced back at her, eyebrows raised a bit.

"Really? I would hope so." He hefted their linked hands, and she grinned.

"I...I like like you. It just took me a little while to realize it. And I'm afraid you're going to leave again."

Harley pressed his lips against her hand. "I'm not going anywhere." He switched to a Westley accent. "And if I do, hear this now: I will always come for you."

Gwen smiled, batting her eyes Princess Buttercup-like. "But how can you be sure?"

"This is true love," he whispered, tracing the curve of her chin gently. "You think this happens every day?"

She bit her lip. "So... If that's the case, you want to go to homecoming with me? You don't have to dance, obviously. I just thought it'd be nice to go...together."

His face split into a smile and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "I'd love to, Wen."

She leaned against him, inhaling his scent and running her other hand across the rough concrete, trying to engrain this moment in her memory forever.

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