The Party

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An upbeat music was playing as we all danced in celebration of Antonio's gift. People cheered and twirled to the beat of the music, while tio Agustin and tia Julieta passed out small portions of food.

-"Come on abuela!" tio Felix tried to get abuela to dance, which he succeeded in as she joined in dancing with us. I danced with Antonio, his dancing was great, better than his father perhaps, which would be a true accomplishment as tio Felix was an expert in dancing.

-"The house is in danger!" the music died down rapidly as Mirabel rushed to where we were.

-"The tiles were falling, and there were cracks everywhere!"

-"And the candle almost went out!" people's gasps and whispers caused us all to panic slightly.

-"Show me" abuela told her as we followed them to where the candle was placed.

-"What? No, t-the cracks were there, they were everywhere" Mirabel tried to explain but there was no sign of cracks on the walls or flooring or the candle going out any time soon.

-"The house was in trouble, t-the candle was...abuela, I promise..."

-"That's enough" abuela told her and turned to address the crowd.

-"There is nothing wrong with the casa Madrigal!"

-"The magic is strong!"

-"And so are the drinks" she said, causing small laughs.

-"Please! Music!" tio Agustin played the piano Luisa had brought in, letting everyone slowly forget what had just happened.

-"I'm gonna go check on Mirabel" I told abuela, who nodded and went inside.

-"I would never ruin Antonio's night" Mirabel sighed.

-"Is that really what you think?" I heard Mirabel ask as I walked in.

-"No, one thinks that Mirabel, I think abuela just didn't see the cracks so there was no reason to alarm the crowd" I told her, giving her an assuring hug.

-"I just think today was really hard for you," her mom told her, causing Mirabel to grunt in annoyment.

-"I was looking out for the family..."

-"I might not be as strong as Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like Isabella but...whatever"

-"Mirabel, you don't need a gift to be special, your special t-" I was interrupted by tia Julieta.

-"You can't tell her anything, you received a gift and your not even part of this family!" she yelled. 

-"Mom-" I put a hand at Mirabel's shoulder to stop her from speaking further.

-"It's okay" I assured her, putting a small smile before walking out. 

As I left the kitchen my walk turned into a run.I ran outside, behind the house sitting against the wall. I knew by now my hair was blue as the tears well down my face and I was surrounded by a large puddle of water.

-"Ugh! I hate how I can't cry like a normal person!" I muttered to myself, trying to calm down.

Last time something like this happened I ran to my room and cried, but unknowingly to me, water was leaking out of my room. When I cried water seemed to find its way to me and increase effortlessly. So sitting and crying forever wasn't much of an option for me or tia Pepa who caused a whole rainstorm.

-"You need to calm down" a voice said, I laughed dryly at the suggestion.


Haha, leaving you on a bit of a cliff hanger. I'll post the chapter early tomorrow most likely, so you won't have to wait that long.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for not updating yesterday!


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