Disastrous Dinner Part 1

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We tried to cover up the puzzle, but he had already seen the bright illuminated color that reflected off of them.

-"I...ummm...We broke into Bruno's tower, we found his last vision, the family is in trouble, the house is falling, the family is breaking, the magic is dying, Luisa's magic is fading, and we think it's all because of me?" Mirabel lashed out, not leaving any details.

-"Pa?" Mirabel asked her dad whose mouth was wide open in surprise.

-"We say nothing!" he told us when he broke out of trance once the doorbell had rung.

-"Abuela wants tonight to be perfect, until the Guzman's leave you two did not break into Bruno's tower the magic is not dying, Luisa's gift is not fading and the house is not breaking!" he whisper-yelled at us as he put the puzzle pieces into his pockets.

-"No one will know! Just act normal!" as he finished and we turned to leave and Dolores was on the other side of the hallway, and she had just heard the whole thing.

-"I know" she whispered so quietly and ran off.

-"She's gonna tell everyone" Mirabel sighed.

-"Yup" I answered.

-"Miércoles" tio Agustin 'cussed'.

-At The Table-

We had no plan to keep Dolores quiet. I sat next to Camilo and abuela. Abuela talked about Mariano and Isabella getting married, being good for the Encanto and stuff, but the only thing I could think about is what would happen when Dolores told everyone.

-"You okay?" Camilo whispered to me, to which I nodded, a bit too fast.

-"To a perfect night!" abuela cheered!

-"Salud!" we all raised our glasses in response.

It was a nightmare to watch Mirabel stiff and nervous as she watched Dolores, who whimpered as she could not keep the second any longer. She told her dad, who spit out his drink on Mariano, tio Felix told tia Pepa who caused a large thundering cloud to form above her head. She mumbled 'clear skies' to herself but it was no help. I guess she couldn't keep the secret either cause she told Camilo who shapeshifted into Mirabel, tio Bruno and then back to himself again.

He turned to tell me but I facepalmed when I realized what was happening. The floor around Mirabel was full of cracks, the walls' little corners where also beginning to crack. Mirabel bent over to look at the floor when I pointed it to her.

-"Mirabel?" Mariano asked, she got up so suddenly she hit her head on the table.


I'm back in school again and getting a ton of homework, teacher are so annoying. I might struggle a bit with updating but I'll try my best!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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