Chapter 3

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Willow rushed home after work to check on Bella with her mind focused on what Emmett had told her

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Willow rushed home after work to check on Bella with her mind focused on what Emmett had told her. Jasper had lost control and Bella had almost been killed. Emmett made it seem like it wasn't as bad as it sounded but she needed to see for herself. Charlie was asleep on the couch when she walked into the house. She was quiet as she sped up the stairs to her cousin's room.

"Are you okay?" Willow blurted the words the second she saw her. Bella was sitting on her bed placing photos in the album she had gotten that day. Her upper arm was wrapped in bandages, but she looked okay.

"I'm fine." Bella shrugged. "Just a few stitches."

"What happened?" Willow stepped closer to the bed. Bella sighed and sat the album to the side.

"It was an accident. It wouldn't have happened if Edward would just change me." Bella flung herself back on the bed. Willow wanted to roll her eyes at Bellas continued argument for why she should be changed.

"I'm sorry. This must have put a damper on your birthday." Willow readjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"Well, I hate my birthday anyway." Bella's tone was clear that something was bothering her, but she didn't want to speak on it.

"Well, I'll let you get some rest." Willow turned to head out the door.

"Willow." Bella called for her attention and sat up in the bed to look at her cousin by the door. "Check on Jasper. Let him know that it's not his fault." Willow offered her a small smile and nodded before she walked out of the room.

Willow was pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket and dropped her bag by the door. She quickly shrugged her jack off and hung it on the hook behind the door. Before she could call Jasper, she looked up and standing in the light of the moon was none other than her boyfriend.

"Jasper?" Willow called out softly and she could see his shoulders tense, his focus was out the window. Without thinking Willow crossed the room and wrapped her arms around his torso, her head resting on his back.

The room was silent and neither one of them moved. Willow pulled her head back just enough to press small kisses along his back. Jasper relaxed into her touch, his hand reaching up and cupping hers against his chest.

"Baby," Willow mumbled into his back, "talk to me."

"What if it had been you?" Jasper spoke in a whisper.

"Then there would have been no danger." Willow answered.

"You don't know that." Jasper shook his head. Willow maneuvered herself under his arms to appear in front of him. His eyes were dark, and his features were hard. She laid her head against his hard chest with her arms wrapped around his center.

"Yes, I do. Because I know you." Willow slid her hands up his cheeks and lifted his head to look him in the eye. "Tonight, was an accident."

They moved too quickly for Willow to register. Her back slammed against the mattress knocking the air out of her lungs. Jasper was straddling her hips, his hand grabbing her throat, his eyes dark and unreadable. He wasn't applying any pressure to her throat, but the movement had scared her. Her nails were digging into the skin of his arm while her eyes were wide as she stared up at him.

"An accident that could happen to you." His voice was tense, and she could feel the fingers flex on her neck. "You're afraid."

"What the fuck Jasper?" Willow used to bother her hands to push his arm away from her neck. "I'm scared because you're acting fucking weird." Jasper rocked back on his heels with his hands gripping the side of his head.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." His words cracked and when Willow sat up, she could see the tears sliding down his face. Something clicked in her mind at that moment. Jasper was trying to scare Willow away from him.

"I'm not scared of you Jasper." Willow softly pulled his head down until they both fell back on the bed together. "Talk to me."

The two laid side by side talking to each other. Jasper held her close, and Willow peppered his face with kisses and listened to everything he said.

"I never want you or Bella to be afraid of me." Jasper finished a half hour later.

"Bella is fine. She's not even mad." Willow yawned, her fingers threading through his blonde hair.

"Your life could be in danger as long as you're with me." Jasper's eyes searched over her face.

"Quit trying to scare me away." Willow smiled sleepily at him. "I've seen at your worst and I'm still here. Because I love you." Jasper gently cupped her face and pulled her close and pressed his lips to her forehead for a long moment.

"I love you, Willow." Jasper muttered the words against her forehead. "If my heart would beat it would beat for you."

"Don't let this one mistake change things, Jazz." Willow curled herself into his chest, enjoying the feel of him being close. Jasper hummed and wrapped his arms around her tighter as if he was afraid, she would disappear.

"I'm going hunting with my siblings." Jasper kissed the corner of Willow's mouth.

"Okay. How long?" Willow let her eyes close.

"Three days."

"That's not too long." Willow smiled as she started to drift into sleep. "You'll be back in no time."

"Absolutely." Jasper softly ran his fingers down her spine. "You won't even miss me."

"I'll always miss you." Willow's words melted together as she finally fell asleep. Jasper silently struggled to hold back tears as he held her against his chest.

When Willow woke up the next morning, she was alone and, in her gut, she could feel that something was wrong. Jasper didn't message or call the entire three days he was gone. He didn't usually take his phone with him on the hunt, but Willow couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong. She and Bella drove to school together and found things to talk about that weren't their boyfriends.

On the third afternoon when they arrived home Edward was standing in the tree line of the woods. Bella barely had the truck in park before she climbed out. Willow smiled when she watched them walk into the woods before making her way into the house expecting Jasper to be waiting for her. Instead, her bedroom was empty.

Except an envelope with her name on it.

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