Chapter 4

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Dear Willow,

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Dear Willow,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I'm doing this through a letter. I'm weak and I knew I could never do this If I was looking at you face to face. The family has decided that it's time to leave. All of us. I agree with them. The other night at Bellas party showed me something that I had been refusing to see. You're not safe with me. My bloodlust is not under control like the others, they've had more practice. I also bring danger to you by just being me. Being the Soldier. Six months ago, you almost died for no reason other than being loved by me.

I can't put you at risk anymore Willow.

I want to be selfish. I want to hold onto you forever. But it's not fair to you.

You deserve to live a life where you are never afraid. Where you can be with someone who you never have to worry about getting a papercut. I can't let myself keep you from the life you deserve. I love you too much for that.

In my 150 years this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

I'm going to try and look for Olive. Follow any clues I can find to find her.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry Willow. I can't tell you how much this breaks my heart. You are the love of my life. I hope I'm making the right decision. I hope you forget that I exist, and you live the best life you possibly can.

I hope you forgive me.

I love you. To the moon and to Saturn.


Willow read over the letter twice before she went into action. She drove the truck straight to the Cullens house, blowing through all the stop signs. She beat on the door and yelled for someone to open or anyone to open the door. When that didn't work, she turned angry. She grabbed a rock from the driveway and hurled it through the kitchen window.

Willow used the sleeve of her jacket to knock all the glass away before climbing through. She didn't care that she was breaking and entering. There was nothing in the house to show that anyone had lived there. Willow made a beeline up the stairs until she reached Jasper's room.

Everything was still in there except for his personal belongings.

Willow saw red.

She tossed over tables, threw things through the windows, and threw a chair against the wall. Lastly, she punched her hands into his full-length mirror. The glass shattered and her knuckles bleed, but she kept doing until her legs gave out.

She slumped down on the floor and sobbed. She curled up into a ball and cried so hard her entire body shook. She cried until she couldn't breathe, the pain in her chest being unbearable as her cries echoed around the room. When the tears stopped the sun had gone down and Willow was exhausted. Her hands were still dripping blood onto the floor, her eyes were focused on the cracks on the mirror.

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