Chapter 11

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Willow was supposed to meet Koda at the cliff diving spot at the beach when her shift ended at the diner

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Willow was supposed to meet Koda at the cliff diving spot at the beach when her shift ended at the diner. The pack loved to go cliff diving and Koda loved to go with them. It was late January so unfortunately Willow couldn't join them. Even if the guys didn't want to admit it, she had always been the best diver. The only person she knew who was as good as her was Marshall James. They have been diving since they were children, all of them had been.

Willow was apparently the first to arrive, but she didn't mind. She leaned herself up against the tree and pulled her sketchbook out of her bag. The view from up there was always something that Willow thought should be recorded for everyone to see. With how high up she was the wind was blowing violently and rattled her sense of hearing.

"What a pretty little thing you are." A high-pitched voice swirled around in the wind and caused Willow to jump in shock.

Willow twisted her head to see a small blonde woman standing at the edge of the forest. She had on a thin blue dress and knee-high white boots. She had a half-tied scarf around her neck and a pair of earmuffs. His blonde hair was wild and looked to be a little matted, but it may have been braids.

"Excuse me?" Willow quickly slipped her notebook back into her bag and let it hit the ground beside her. She had no idea who this woman was and as someone who spent her whole life in Forks, there weren't many faces she didn't know.

"Are you all alone? A sweet little thing like you, all alone?" The blonde buried her hands into the pockets of her dress.

"I was just leaving." Willow knew something was wrong. Knew that she was in danger if she didn't get away from this woman. She debated picking her bag back up but knew it would only drag her down. She made a sprint for the forest, for the path that led back down the cliff, but she was cut off by a wall of snow.

She gasped and fell back on the ground, her mind trying to cope with the fact that the snow had formed a ten-foot barrier in front of her.

"Wren, did you really have to scare the poor girl?" A man stepped out from between the trees with his hands buried into the pockets of his pants. He was a handsome yet sickly looking man. He was as small as the woman, but he seemed to have more power in his stance.

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