Chapter 16

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Bella had left the house that evening not saying where she was going while a hunting party was searching for the pack

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Bella had left the house that evening not saying where she was going while a hunting party was searching for the pack. Koda cuddled with Willow on the couch while they watched an old Disney movie. Koda's phone rang violently in his pocket and when he answered Willow only half listened to the conversation.

"I have to go." Koda suddenly sat up, careful not to knock Willow off of him.

"What happened?" Willow tiredly rubbed her eyes as she watched Koda put his boots back on.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and passed away." Koda spoke without looking at her and suddenly she was wide awake.

"I should go with you. For Leah." Willow started to get up but Koda shook his head and gently pushed her back down on the couch.

"You should stay here. Leah is still mad and she's going to be overcome with emotions." Koda explained.

"Oh-okay." Willow's features faltered and her eyes dropped to her hands that were fidgeting. Koda ran a hand through her hair and lifted her face. He bent down to press a sweet loving kiss to her lips.

"I'll come back later." Koda whispered against her lips.  "I love you."

"I love you too." Willow smiled and watched him disappear out the front door.

Hours later Willow reemerged from her painting studio satisfied with the new portraits she had created. The house was still empty and the sun had gone down which was odd for the time of day. Charlie had to be at the Clearwater house since Harry was his best friend. Willow yawned and stretched as she walked into the kitchen only to find a figure standing there.

"Jesus! Fuck!" Willow half jumped out of her skin, her hand resting on her heart.  "What are you doing in my house?"

"The back door was unlocked." Alice smiled brightly.  "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. Alice you can't just break into peoples houses." Willow objected as she worked to catch her breath. 

"You broke into ours." Alice tilted her head with a smug grin. "Nice work on the mirror by the way."  Her words made Willow look down at her scared hands.

"Why are you here?" Willow asked in an annoyed tone. Alice suddenly wrapped her up in a tight hug which was awkward because of height. "Why are you hugging me?"

"I saw Bella commit suicide." Alice sounded like she was about to cry but Willow was simply confused.

"What?" The redhead's blood turned cold. She knew Bella was struggling but suicide? No way. 

"She jumped into the water and never came back out, Willow." Alice was now officially crying into Willow's chest. 

"Hold on. She was probably cliff diving." Willow pulled back with her hands on Alice's shoulders.

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