Chapter 13

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"Who the hell were you on the phone with?" Rosalie's voice barely cut through the haze that Jasper's mind was in

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"Who the hell were you on the phone with?" Rosalie's voice barely cut through the haze that Jasper's mind was in.

"Not important, Rose." Esme interjected as she clung to Jasper's hand in panic. "Carlisle what is happening?"

"The blade was cursed and it looks like it's turning him human." Carlisle explained and as blood continued to pour out of his wound. He used a towel to apply pressure as Emmet helped Jasper onto the table.

"That will kill him." Emmett exclaimed in a panic as Jasper tried to regulate his breathing. 

"Can you stop it?" Rosalie sounded half panicked and paced the floor while ringing her hands. Carlisle pulled the blade out and Jasper hissed in pain and arched his back off the table.

"I need Aurora and Iris." Carlisle spoke with a tone of order and worked at the speed of light to wrap his wound in gauze.

"I already have them on the line." Alice sprinted into the room with her hand held up with a phone.

"What do we do?" Esme was crying as she squeezed Jasper's hand. Jasper opened his eyes just a sliver and offered his mom a forced smile.

"Let's keep him stabilized." Carlisle finished the last bit of first aid that he could apply.

"Is he going to die?" Rosalie demanded as she stopped in her steps.

"I'm still right here Rose." Jasper let out a half laugh and tried to turn to look at his sister but Esme steadied his head to allow him to lay without moving his injured area.

"What the fuck happened?" Emmett snapped, his calm demeanor faltering.

"Language Emmett."Esme scolded as she tried to dry her own tears.

"Death match- he brought a blade."Jasper stuttered as he fought to keep his eyes open as exhaustion took over.

"Is he dead?" Rosalie crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him as she awaited an answer.

"Rosalie." Carlisle  warned.

"Yes." Jasper spat  through a cough. A silence fell around the room.

"They'll be here in 10." Alice broke the silence. After that the tension seemed to fade but no one left the room.

Esme kept Jasper awake by talking to him about all her favorite moments with him she could remember. Emmett sat in a chair by the window and watched for the arrival of the James's. Cassie held Alice in her lap as Alice dealt with the many different visions of what could happen. A few tears escaped her eyes after a few.

Carlisle kept checking Jaspers vitals every few minutes and became distressed when he detected a heartbeat. If the spell took over his entire body his age would catch up with him and in a blink Jasper would be dead.

Rosalie broke down and let a few tears spill out before she sat beside Esme to be next to her brother.

"Rose- do something for me." Jasper spoke through closed eyes and barley above a whisper.

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