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You woke up in in unknown place and saw Ivan. He got closer to you and stabbed you in heart. That was the time when you gasped and got up instantly with your hand on your chest.
-Fuck...you mumbled. No one was in the room just you and you recognised it. It was Alcina's. You were laying in her bed. It was a bit strange for you but you liked it so far. It was very comfy and you heard her steps from the bathroom.
-Y/n you're up! She smiled bright and with a towel on her walked up to you. -Hey..yeah I'm up. Is everyone okay? -Yes you somehow managed to collect our scars and you fought with it. -I'm glad everyone is safe and great.
-Just as I'm. She kissed you carefully and passionate. It felt good to you. -How long I was unconscious for? -3 weeks dear. -Jesus and I'm still tired..-Rest as much as you want. -I can't can I? -Of course draga mea you can. You are a lord as well.
-What? -You are the 5th lost one..you were the only one who managed to escape and didn't get caught. Ivan always write notes about what he want to know about you. You were the perfect who escaped. Miranda is the second Lord and you darling are the first.
-Oh yes now I remember and you are the third..-Actually yes. -So we love each other and we are sisters as well. -not biological and not in the way you are with Miranda. So we can say that we aren't in family connection. -You're right. -I'll go tell the others you're awake take a rest my dear.
-Oki but promise me you'll back shortly. -I promise my dove. -Alci? -Hmm? -I love you! -I love you too sweetheart. She left the room and you took a nap. It will be a long way for you to recover fully. This was a trauma for you as well it weakened you not just in body but in mental.
When you woke up in the morning Alcina was sleeping peacefully next to you. You got closer to her and hugged her grabbing her waist in a lovely way. You were defending her as usual. She woke up to your touch but just smiled and blushed.
After a while she melted in the touch and fell asleep again. At 9 o' clock you woke up feeling great. You looked under one of the bandages and your scars were completely gone. -What the..? You whispered.
You got up went to the bathroom. Took your clothes off and your badges as well and looked at your body with disbelief. -What the actual fuck? You mumbled.  You weren't even noticed Alcina coming in.
-y/n? "-Shit.."-Alci you scared me. You blushed as she saw you without clothes but you didn't mind after a while..-How could This happened? Yesterday I was full of scars today like nothing happened. -You have fangs right? -Yes I do.
-You are a vampire as well and we regenerate faster than normal people. Your blood cells cause this fast regeneration. I'm glad you're okay. We should go down to the others of course if you want. -I love the idea. You went down and everyone looked at you with shock.
-Is something the matter? You asked with one raised eyebrow. -No, no daughter just your scars..-They disappeared cause I'm a half blood vampire..-Your blood cells works faster that usual and it makes you heal faster than a normal person..-Yep mom you're right.
The three girls stepped in from the kitchen but put everything down when they saw you. -mom! You're here! They said and hugged you. -Yeah I am. How the three angels are? -We're fine but you.
-Don't ask I'm just like you heals faster than a person does. -You're a vampire? -I am. -Holly..-Cassandra language...Alcina said. -Sorry mother. Holly Jesus you were very strong.
-Of course I won't gave up on my family. No matter how am I I never could let anyone harm you! -ahw they said and hugged you. You were so glad to see them again. You smiled at them and chose a seat.
Alcina sat next to you. B/n kissed Bela and you looked confused. -Oh yeah..she didn't know. -Mom we are together if you don't mind..-Oh of course I don't. It's okay Bela. I'm glad you found happiness with B/n.
-Just as I am! -So am I. Sis I'm happy you're okay and you're here. He said. -I'm happy to see you doing great. You had your breakfast and talked a lot with everyone. Karl and Ethan are happy together.
Your mom and dad wants to spend so much time with you and you're glad to know that but in the other hand you want to spend time with Alcina.
You asked them to pick three days out of seven when they want to spend time with you but these days can't be like Monday and Tuesday. After this conversation you talked to Alcina. She was happy to hear that you want to spend time with her and she got four days out of seven.

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