Bad news

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"I still can't tell how they got into my party," she said and I looked down at her

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"I still can't tell how they got into my party," she said and I looked down at her.

I was sitting infront of her on my desk. She was petting Jasper at the moment

"Have it crossed your mind that someone in your territory maybe working for them," I asked

"No one would dare," she said

"Are you sure?" I asked and she got up.

She took a step towards me and I straightened up.

"Are you saying that I don't know my people and I wouldn't know if someone-"

"Calm down tiger I didn't mean to offend you," I said and she glared at me.

Her phone started ringing and she pulled it out while looking into my eyes.

"Yes," she said and I took a sip from my glass.

"Just say it Sawyer," she said and I looked at Jasper.

"What no" she said and I caught her before she could fall.

What the fuck?

"Royalty," I said and her eye closed and her phone fell to the ground.

I didn't care who was on the phone right now since is fucking passed out

I lifted her into my arms after placing my glass down.

She fainted.

I woke up to an empty dark room

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I woke up to an empty dark room. The room wasn't that dark though since the moon light was shining through the glass walls.

I slowly got up from the bed before checking for my guns.

"Fuck," I whispered when I noticed I was fully unarmed.

With the help of the moon light I was able to find a door. I looked down at the door and it was evident that a source of light was on the other side.

I reached for the knob but a shadow appeared on the other side door. I quickly moved to the side of the door and rest my body on the wall.

The door soon opened and someone walked in. I balled my fist and throw a punch but the person grabbed my fist and pull me into them.

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