"One last chance,"

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It's been a month now and his gunshot wound has healed and his arm has also healed

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It's been a month now and his gunshot wound has healed and his arm has also healed. The doctors said that his leg with be healed in the next week or two.

I have just arrived back in Italy since I'm moving back to my house here. I arrived at Lorenzo's house and his nurse stopped me.

After we were done talking I went to his room. He was laying down while typing on his laptop.

"What is it?" he asked without looking up.

"I came to check on you asshole," I said and he looked up.

I closed the door behind me and he placed the laptop next to him. He was shirtless and his hair was messy.

I walked towards his after placing my hand bag down. I stood next to his bed and he eyed my face then body.

"Drink it," I said while passing him the drink.

He took it without looking at the glass.

"I didn't know you were coming back today," he said before tasting the smoothie

"It tastes awful," he said while pushing the glass back to me.

"I made it myself," I pout

"Okay I'll try drinking it," he said before turning the glass to his head.

He soon gave me the empty glass and I smiled.

"Good smoothie," he said and I grinned.

"You can tell your nurse thank you," I said


"I was lying I didn't make it she did," I said and he glared at the glass.

"You're evil," he said and I smiled.

"She said it was good for you," I said before placing the glass down.

"Come here," he said and sat next to him.

"How was your first check up?" he asked

"Long. They ran a lot of test but everything turned out fine," I smiled before looking at my tummy.

"And you two?"

"I feel great and I think she's okay too,"


"Yes," I grinned.

"What if it's a he?" he said

"I doubt that," I said and he smiled.

"I guess I feel weird that I'm not showing as yet though," I said and he placed his hand on my tummy.

"My mom said she didn't started showing early either so you don't have anything to worry about princess," he said and I nod.

"Is there anything you need or-"

"Yes," he said

"What's that?" I asked

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