She Lost the Baby

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"Sawyer wait" Aria said as he was about to walk out

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"Sawyer wait" Aria said as he was about to walk out.

I got up from the couch and exited the living room.

"What Ariana?" he asked while turning around to look at her then me.

Anger flash through his eyes as he stared at me.

I guess he heard what I said

But I'm going to fix things.

I want the baby even if I'm scared raising a kid.

I mean the baby mine- ours and I contributed in making it. Saige didn't get pregnant all by her.

No it wasn't a plan to have kids right now but it happened and I'm owning up to my actions.

And if it's anything I want more than life is Saige.

"Is something wrong?" Ariana asked

"My sister overdosed and I guessed your wished came through asshole because the baby didn't make it," he said and I dropped the bottle that was in my hand.

The bottle smashed and shattered glasses went everywhere.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head before walking out.

She overdosed

The baby-

"Asshole," he said before slamming the door shut.

"Dimitri," Ariana said and I walked away.

I went to the living room and grabbed my keys.

"Where are you going? Don't you see your fucking wasted" Aria asked.

I pushed pass her and she grabbed my shirt.

"Let go-"

"Give me your keys and I'll drive," she said as we heard Sawyer's car's engine.

I gave her the keys and grabbed my phone from my pocket.

"I didn't overdose

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"I didn't overdose. I never touch that fucking drug dad please believe me," I cried.

He placed his hand over mine and the doctor walked out.

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