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"Who the fuck is she talking to?" Dimitri asked as he looked at Saige

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"Who the fuck is she talking to?" Dimitri asked as he looked at Saige.

"How am I supposed to know," I said while scanning the room for Royalty.

When I couldn't find her I looked back at Saige. She was talking to a man that held on to her body tightly as if she was about to disappear.

I would have gone crazy if that was Royalty

Dimitri's grip on the rails tightened until you his hands became white. Sawyer walked up towards us and I greeted him.

"My mom wanted to come greet you guys herself but she's a bit busy right now. She says she'll come over as soon as she's done," he said

"Sawyer who the fuck is that?" Dimitri asked and Sawyer looks over at his twin.

"Xaiver, he's my best friend," he said before looking down at Dimitri's hands.

"Yeah I'm not too happy about it either buddy," he added before looking at me.

"So she moved on?" Dimitri asked

"I think you should let her answer that," he said

Ariana walked up to us and Sawyer looked at her.

"Hey," she said with a small smile.

"Hi," he said before looking behind her at blonde hair woman.

Ariana turned to follow his eyes and he looked away.

"Have fun," he said before leaving.

Ariana's eyes followed him as he went out to the woman he was looking at.

"Don't do anything stupid because if you guys do you'll lose every chance with his sisters. It's okay, I'm okay," she said before taking my hand into hers.

"Let's go get some drinks," I suggested and Dimitri looked away from Saige.

He shook his hands before shoving them into his pocket. He pushed pass me and walked towards the bar.

I wrapped my arm around my twin's shoulder and we walked to the bar together.

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