I Did It For Love

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"Don't fucking cry now to make me look like or feel the fucking bad guy Royalty," he said before walking away

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"Don't fucking cry now to make me look like or feel the fucking bad guy Royalty," he said before walking away.

He entered a bathroom as I wiped my tears.

It can't be her

I've known her for so long

He soon walked out with a towel in his hands. He threw it next to me on the table before picking up his clothes.

A sharp pain but went through my stomach as he placed his clothes on then left. I got up and cleaned myself up before placing my clothes on.

I went to the bathroom did my business and fixed my hair. I walked out of the office and walked to the exit.

I looked up at where he was and I saw a woman whispering something into his ear. He smirked before pulling her into his lap.

I looked away before making an exit.

I removed the girl from my lap and dismissed her after Royalty went through the door

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I removed the girl from my lap and dismissed her after Royalty went through the door.

She fucking used me like a fool.

She used her power that she has over me and got what she wanted.

I couldn't tell if the reasons behind her tears were because of what she did to me or what she found out.

"Give that to me," I said and Johnathan passed me the platter with the cocaine line out on it.

I took two drags before grabbing a bottle of vodka. I didn't bother to get a glass I just drank from the bottle.

"Hey boss-"

"Shut up," I said

"Jayden tell the DJ to turn the music up. Way up," I said and he nod before leaving.

"Hey bro you good," Nate asked

"I couldn't be fucking better," I replied before taking a big gulp from my drink.

"That bitch must have fucked him real bad," Milan said and I got up before pulling out my gun and pointed it at him.

He's the Mexican Mafia boss's son

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