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Clover Town a building shown inside has many Guild Masters inside of it one is a little old drunk man named Makarov, the master of the Fairy Tail Guild. Standing near him are other guild leaders like Bob of the Blue Pegasus and Goldmine of Quatro Cerberus. While they are talking and Makarov is pervy talking about Lucy a bird comes flying in.

Bird: Message, Message, Message for Makarov!

Makarov: Huh?

Makarov does a circle around the letter and a hologram of Mirajane shows up.

Makarov: Look at this! This is Fairy Tails poster girl!

Mirajane: Master I trust you are doing your work?

Makarov: Of Corse!

Mirajane: Good! I also wanted to tell you that Natsu Gray and Erza formed a team along with Izuku and Lucy but they are just making sure Natsu and Gray don't fight. This might just be Fairytails strongest team ever!

While Mirajane was smiling Makarov was in sheer disbelief and sadness knowing the mayhem and paperwork that would come with this team-up.

Makarov: I'm leaving! I'm done for today they better not cause trouble until tomorrow.

-Scene Change-

Gray: Erza! Slow down! You are using too much Magic!

Erza: I can If I slow down then how many will die to that death flute?!

They continue driving until they arrive at the large station and finally exit the car.

Izuku: Finally

Lucy: Why did you strip!?!

Izuku: Oh I did that.

Lucy: You too Gray!

Gray just scratched his head.

Natsu starts to get carried by Gray since he wasn't standing yet. Izuku was standing much earlier because he didn't have an exceed to rely on to bring him everywhere so he got a tiny resistance to transportation.

Lucy: What is Erza doing?

Erza: What's going on?

Train Worker #1: I d-

Erza knocks him out.

Erza: What's going on?

Train Worker #2: I-

Erza knocks this one out too.

Lucy: What the heck!?!

Izuku: Erza lets just go inside.

Erza: Fine.

The group walks inside to see a whole group of soldiers knocked out.

Erza: They were against an entire dark guild they didn't have a chance.

They continue walking until getting to the main room and see a sea of dark wizards from Eisenwald only a few stood out like Kageyama, a fat one, and one that looked like it had some Egyptian hat on. But the one that stood out the most was a man floating above them all with white hair and a giant scythe.

Erza: Erigor! Why are you all just in this station like this?

Erigor: Well I plan to broadcast the sound of Lullaby to everyone. With the sound high enough it won't just kill everyone around us but kill everyone in this damned city! We will rewrite history into a better one more suited to our freedom from the dark guilds!

Lucy: Killing everyone just because you don't have the same rights as they do isn't the right way to change things.

Kageyama: What would you understand?

Kageyama then uses his magic and makes shadow hands which go and attack Lucy while Erigor shoots another cheap shot at Erza behind Kageyamas attack. In a flash Fire and Ice both block each attack. Natsu blocks Kageyamas shadows while Izuku uses his Ice to block Erigors wind.

Lucy: Just in time!

Erza: I should pay more attention.

Izuku: Im going for Erigor. The rest of you handle the fodder.

Erigor just disappears with his Wind Magic but Izuku just dashes through a wall to chase Erigor. Izuku then looks back and sees the Civilians surrounding the Trainstation.

Izuku: A Dark Guild has taken over this station evacuate as far as you can because if you hear what they will play then you will all die.

Train Worker: Why did you scare them?

Izuku: Did you want them all to die if we don't win? 

Train Worker: No...

Izuku: Right. You should evacuate too.

Izuku grabs the worker and throws him as far as he can. Izuku then turns back around and sees a giant tornado surrounding the Train Station

Erigor: Like it Wizard Saint? It's a one-way wind barrier once you enter you can't leave or you will be ripped to shreds.

Izuku looks at Erigor unimpressed this angers Erigor so he tries to use his magic to push Izuku inside but Izuku doesn't move at all.

Erigor: Huh?

Izuku: Erigor the real reason I came on this job with Erza wasn't just to stop a Dark Guild out of the kindness of my heart. Yes, you guys are attacking master which is now my main goal to stop you but. *raises a paper* I have a job to eliminate you, S Class straight from the Magic Council.

Erigor said nothing and just rushed to Izuku

Erigor: Wind Magic: Bringer!

Two blades of wind get shot at Izuku who easily dodges it.

Izuku: Ice Dragon Frozen Fist!

Erigor sees Izukus hand freezes up and dodges the punch not knowing that he had been faked out.

Izuku: Roar

Point blank Erigor gets hit by Izukus Ice Dragons Roar. Erigor gets launched back into a Mountian when the smoke clears he is seen with clearly visible bruises and is bleeding from the head.

Erigor: Damn it. Fine! Wind Magic: Storm Mail

Erigor gets covered in a wind armor similar looking to his giant Wind Tornado around the train station. Izuku went in for a normal punch and his hand got tiny cuts on it.

Izuku: Hm.

Erigor: One of my greatest techniques. Now time to finish you off with my greatest! 
Wind Magic: Emera Baram

Erigor makes an X with his fingers and it makes a much stronger version of his previous magic Bringer. It takes a direct hit on Izuku who didn't even try to move.

Erigor: I... Beat a Wizard saint... The fourth strongest one too. HAHAHAHA I'M THE-

Izuku kicked Erigor and rushed after him to finish him off.

Izuku: Ice Dragon Holy Hammer!

Izukus hand freezes up and grows into a giant hammer that crushes Erigor. This causes the spell around the Trainstation to disappear. Izuku then searches Erigors knocked-out body and finds Lullaby and destroys it.

Izuku: Time to head back to the others I guess.

Izuku blitzes out of there and lands in front of the others who already defeated their enemies.

Izuku: Erigor is done and Lullaby is destroyed. I also sent a message to Makarov saying Eisenwald has been dealt with so we can just go back now.

Erza: Good job Izuku.

Lucy: I knew you were a Wizard Saint but defeating someone like him that fast is crazy!

Gray: That's Izuku for you.

Natsu: Put back on clothes you Perverts!

Izuku and Gray: Sorry!



I decided just to speed up the Eisenwald arc since it's short and I didn't want to just retype all of their fights just because Izuku didn't fight. Sorry for making this short I just didn't have the motivation to write 2000+ words.

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