Two Elements? The Battle of Fairy Tail!

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Gray: Already? We only finished that mission a few days ago and you already want to go on another?

Izuku: Yeah, Cana wanted me to accompany her on a mission. It's an S-Class one and it's pretty far away. It should be a few weeks until we are back since we plan to take it easy since the mission isn't one that is needed to be rushed. Plus unlike someone *looking at Erza* she accepts that I can't deal with Human made transportation.

Gray: Okay what's the job though?

Izuku: Someone with Poison Magic is stealing some old books and looking for someone. They sent wizards and guards alike after him but all were easily defeated and the quest kept getting bumped up until it reached S-Class. The few that have survived fighting him say that he rides a snake and he could predict your attack Magic or not before it even happened.

Gray: Like he could see the future?

Izuku: It's probably something else since he uses Poison Magic of some kind.

Gray: Have they sent anyone with countermagic after him?

Izuku: No, but they did send another Poison mage to maybe counter him but he just ate it up as if he was a Dragon Slayer.

Gray: He couldn't be... right?

Izuku: If he did eat it then he is at least a slayer of some kind. Probably has a lacrima inside of him.

Gray: Why did Cana want to take this quest?

Izuku: *deadpan* Vacation.

Gray: I-

Cana: Izuku! I packed our bags it's time to go now!

Izuku: Alright, Alright. I better get going Gray. Stay safe and don't get into trouble.

Gray: I should be the one saying that.

Izuku walked off towards Cana while waving back at Gray who just smiled and walked towards some other Guild Members.

Cana: Ready for this Vacation!

Izuku: Let's finish this job first then we can relax.

-Timeskip 5 Days-

Izuku is walking in a forest alone leaving Cana back at a hotel room. The forest Izuku was at was the last known sighting of the Poison mage. Izuku saw a book on the floor and went to pick it up when he hears someone yell something.

???: Poison Dragon's Roar!

Izuku quickly sensing this dodged to the left and turned around to see a man standing on a snake. The man had reddish hair, tanned skin, and a white jacket.

Izuku: You must be the Poison Mage. Well, more so the Poison Dragon slayer huh?

???: Yeah, the names Cobra... Do I know you from somewhere?

Izuku: Izuku Midoriya, The Ice Dragon Slayer, and the Fifth-ranked of the Ten Wizard Saints.

Cobra: *shocked* I guess I picked a fight with the wrong person, no matter what.

Izuku uses an Ice Dragons Roar attack quickly at Cobra but with ease Cobra dodges.

Cobra: Wow I haven't fought a wizard who hasn't yelled their attack out but *points to his ear* thanks to my ears I could hear your thoughts to dodge that.

Izuku: Why is it that the people I fight act so dumb? Giving out your trump card after one move?

Cobra: I was making this easier for you but, have it your way. POISON DRAGONS ROAR!

Cobra uses his Roar and continuously shoots it at Izuku who keeps on his feet. Cobra shoots another and another not running out of energy. Izuku decided to make fun of Cobra's weak attempts at fighting.

Izuku: *closed eyes* Really? You can only use one attack pathetic. You defiantly are a faker. A Dragon slayer who has never met a dragon is a phony. A weakling.

Cobra: *enraged* Well this weaklings attack is already in your face!

Unbeknownst to Izuku while Cobra was using his Poison Dragon Roar he sneakily used his Poison Dragons Scales to launch them at Izuku when the Roar ended. Thanks to his hearing he knew Izuku was going to make fun of him so he used it to his advantage.

Izuku: *thinking* It's too close to dodge. If this hits me ill be seriously injured but what can I do?

Izuku went and just opened his mouth and started eating. While activating his magic he started freezing the Poison mid-air and eating it.

Izuku: My Insides feel as if they are burning and being put back together as I eat the frozen Poison.

(Slow Updates) Izuku The Ice Dragon Slayer of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now