Tenrou Team Vs 4th's Fairy Tail!

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On a boat in the middle of the water, a young-looking lady is floating in front of a ship.

???: 4th Master of Fairy Tail Izuku... You came looking for your guild right?

Izuku: Yes... who are you?

???: I am Mavis the first master of Fairy Tail. I will guide you to Tenrou Island.

Izuku: *turns around* Make sure you follow her!

Ichiya: *scared* Yes sir! He is super scary!

Izuku: Gray... Everyone. It's finally time to reunite.

Romeo: Master... are you ready?

Izuku: I'm not sure... They left us for 13 years I'm not sure how everyone has changed.

Romeo: You haven't changed much Izuku! You grew taller and look older but not by much just way stronger and no longer get motion sickness!

Izuku: *smiles* Thank you, Romeo.

???: Dad! Will I finally meet this "Uncle" Gray you are talking about?

Izuku: *smiling still* Yes Khione.

They continued sailing while following Mavis finally reaching Tenrou Island. Izuku, Romeo, and his Daughter Khione jumped off the boat early letting the others dock it, and ran on a path.

There they saw the Tenrou Island group.

Izuku: Gray...

Gray: IZUKU! What are you doing here?

Izuku: *crying* It's been thirteen years...

Tenrou Group: WHAT!?!

Izuku: We haven't seen you guys in 13 years. *angry*

Makarov: Izuku it's good to see you!

Izuku: Makarov.

Makarov: I told you to call me Ma-

Izuku: *angry* You aren't the master anymore. I'm the master of Fairy tail ever since you left 13 years ago... You guys abandoned us.

Romeo: Izuku...

Natsu: Who is this weirdo?!

Romeo: What! I don't see you for 13 years and the first thing you say is that I'm a weirdo?!

Natsu: Who are you?

Romeo: Natsu... it's me, Romeo.

Makarov: What are you talking about 13 years? We have only been here for at most a month.

Natsu: What master said Pervert #1!

Romeo rushed at Natsu with a kick to the face.

Romeo: Fire Devil's Abbadon's Kick!

Romeo's flames grew on his foot turning to the color purple. Natsu was surprised not to be used to flames like this and tried to eat it but the taste is the worst he has ever eaten. While trying to eat it last second he gets a kick to the face sending him flying back.

Izuku: Now we know your devil fires effect on a Dragon Slayer of the same element.

Natsu: Running back. Why! What was that?

Romeo: Natsu I'm not sure if you know this but Dragon slayers aren't the only "Slayers"

Natsu: I know. They are Dragon and God Slayers.

Romeo: You forgot one, Devil Slayers. That is what I am, the Fire Devil Slayer.

Romeo gets into a stance getting to rush Natsu again but Izuku holds him back.

Izuku: Remember. Use the sword unless pushed to use the secret art.

Romeo: Yes Master.

Izuku: Makarov. You are a remnant of the past. I had to do much just to keep Fairy Tail afloat. You had an S-Class trial that lasted 13 years and no one passed, did they?

Makarov: ...

Izuku: I had an S-Class Trial of my own that lasted a few days. Only one passed, Romeo Conbolt.

Natsu: WHAT!

Laxus: I've had enough. Izuku you may not speak to the Old Man like that.

Izuku: You're exiled from the guild remember? Know your place.

Tenrou Group: We've had it!

Wendy: We won't let you talk to Makarov like that!

Mirajane: You've changed Izuku!

Gray: Izuku...

Guildarts: You've grown arrogant Izuku... Cana left you yet?

Izuku: Bastard. You've been gone so long that you didn't even get to attend me and Cana's wedding.

Khione: *walking up from behind Izuku* Dad. These guys are kind of weak looking and aren't you the Master why are they talking to you like that?

Gray: She called you DAD!

Izuku: Yeah Gray. This is my Daughter Khione. Khione your uncle Gray. And that bastard over there *pointing at Guildarts* Is your mom's deadbeat dad so your Grandfather.

Guildarts: I've had it! *rushed at Izuku*

Izuku: *turned towards Guildarts smirking*

Romeo: Fire Devil's Blade of Detainment! 

The fire around Romeo's sword creates a prison around Guildarts. Guildarts tried to walk through it but realized it is solid. He tried to use his magic to separate and weaken it to no use.

Guildarts: Why isn't my magic working?!

Romeo: This spell is used to Capture even the strongest of demons. Even with your strong magic, It will take at least an hour of crushing it before it will weaken enough for you to push out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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