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~~~~~~MONDAY  MORNING~~~~~

For some reason I spent the rest of the weekend at Drakes we hung out, ate, watched movies and fucked -a lot- but now we're at school and I'm starting to think what we've done is a bad idea. I mean I don't do this -whatever this is- don't get me wrong I haven't slept with that many people, I've slept with Trent a bunch of times, and 3 other guys (including Drake) but I usually just do it to forget about the rape (which I don't count because it wasn't my choice) I was so consumed by my thoughts just now I didn't realise Mr Jennings had asked me a question about whatever math problem he was talking about "miss Sanchez, are you paying attention" he scolded me "not really sorry, can you repeat it?" I ask to distracted to be rude today "can you use the pygatherom theorem to find the unknown length of the right angel on the board?" He lifts an eye brow, I look at the board and think for half a minute walk over and solve the problem.
Given a=4 and b=6,

c = 2√13 = 7.211102550928

∠α = 33.69° = 33°41'24" = 0.588 rad

∠β = 56.31° = 56°18'36" = 0.98279 rad

area = 12

perimeter = 17.211102550928

h =
"Well I guess you do pay attention in this class" Mr Jennings says clearing his throat. I go back to my seat still consumed of my thoughts of Drake. Hopefully he wouldn't try to kiss me while we're at school, I still needed to work out where we stood and what we were doing.


I hadn't seen Maria since we got to school, we didn't have any morning classes together, but it was lunch now, I go to sit with Trent he looks irritated "so what's got you so pissed off?" I asked him, his eyes snap to mine "you and Maria ditched me at the club and the girl I was dancing with blew me off so I didn't get laid because Maria wouldn't answer my calls" oh shit I forgot he wanted her, he wanted what was mine "and Riley keeps messaging me asking if we can talk about the break up, like fuck get a clue I'm bored and don't want to settle down" "I think Maria went home and crashed, I dropped her off and headed home" "yeah well I guess I can fuck her another time" my jaw clenched "fuck who?" Maria said sitting down next to Trent, who lent over to Maria's ear "you" he whispered and kissed her cheek "gross T, I don't think so. I actually liked Riley but of course you had to ruin that" she cringes and he pulls back "Damn Sanchez, you really know how to hurt a guy" he was joking and she laughed , that's my girl "besides I need some new meat you're so over used" she winks, Umm okay no you're mine, no new meat "so what about you bro, any action this week?" Trent asked me "nah bro, still nothing" I look at Maria who seemed to have gotten tense when Trent asked but relaxed when I answered, I couldn't help but feel hurt, why didn't she want anyone to know. Maria's phone rings, she looks at the phone and the look of dread flashes in her eyes. "I'll be back" she gets up and answers the phone walking away "god she's hot, loving that ass" Trent said getting my attention, the guys my friend but I wanted to tear his eyes at for look at what's mine "and she knows how to ride dick. Shame we couldn't fuck at least one last time" I look down clenching my fist "plenty of fish" I say trying to get him to stop talking about my Maria "yeah I guess" he says going back to his food.

~~~~~~LAST PERIOD~~~~~~

I was actually looking forward to this class -Bio - me a Maria had this class together and since she didn't make it back to lunch I wanted to see her again. But she wasn't here, I kept watching the door but she never walked in, I was partnered up with Chloe a blonde cheerleader she was cute and kept trying to flirt with me but I wanted my girl "so Drake are you doing anything tonight" my eyes flicker to her "yeah" is all I say and she looks disappointed "oh I was gonna say maybe we could hang out, maybe another time" she says hopefully "maybe" the bell rings and I leave the class looking for my girl, I get out to my car and scan the parking lot, I grab my phone out of my pocket and send Maria a message 'need a ride' her reply comes back a minute later 'not today, I'm at the apartment' I swallow hard what if his there? What if he tries to rape her again 'i'm on my way'  I jump in my car and speed off to her apartment. I jump out and run up the stairs and hear shouting "tienes que volver a casa" (you need to come home) "abuela, dejó que carlos se quedara aquí" (grandma she let Carlos stay here) "Entonces, ustedes son familia, deben mantenerse unidos" (so, you are family you must stick together.) I knock on the door hearing the female voices saying stuff I couldn't understand, the door swings open and a small older woman (she looked to be in her 60's) is standing there "que quien eres?" (what, who are you ) I look at her puzzled "that's my friend Drake. He doesn't speak Spanish Abuela" Maria says rolling her eyes "what do you want" the woman in front of me says in a think accent "I uh came to see if Maria wanted to go get a bite to eat?" I said not knowing what I should say "no she must stay home and speak to her sister and Carlos she needs to apologise" she responds and I see Maria flinch "no I don't want to see that pendejo" Maria says her eyes watering "no hables asi" (don't speak like that) "excuse me but I don't think she should have to see a man who tried to rape her again" I say clenching my jaw "Oh Dios mío, you have him believing your lies! Your parents would be rolling in their graves" "don't talk about them, keep my parents out of your evil mouth! Now leave!" "Selena will be back in 2 days, you will apologise or I will be back" the old women looks at me as she leaves. I look at Maria her face stone cold "forget about that, stay with me Maria, you don't deserve to be treated this way" she looks at the floor "what would you know about what I deserve" she says lowly and walks to her room, the door slams shut. I walk in and sit on the couch. 10 minutes later my phone vibrates 'party at mine. Same address. BYO' well looks like we're having a party.

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