Time for some...

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Chapter 3...


Stupid, ugly, immature son of a bitch I hate that drake kid! I was currently at a gym punching and kicking the shit out of a punching bag, it was 11:30 I was so angry I decided to let off some steam instead of recking the apartment any further. I usually come here when my temper is hitting an all time high, the owner used to bug me about my form but after a while I started to improve, sometimes he asks me to start training with him so I can spar in competitions.


Girls are so moody that stupid bitch Maria left me with an ugly bruised nose and my balls were aching, I swear I'm gonna make her pay for this. After I got home I got the lecture of the life time, I was supposed to be home early today to help unpack. They assumed I was out getting into trouble, or fighting (because of my now bruised nose) I just let them believe that because it was better than telling them I had a run in with a cop then a very angry, crazy (sexy) girl.


I was walking around the school minding my own business when someone bumped in to me, I looked down at the person "watch where your going cock sucker" Maria said glaring at me "why don't you slut" "go fuck yourself drake" "hmm no thanks Maria, unlike you I can actually get laid" she laughed "right, sure you can, and by the way, I can get laid, unlike you getting an STI isn't my only goal in life" she lowered her voice "I heard you got the clap" then she walked away. When I was about to walk in to my gym class Trent called my name, I turned to face him "hey man what's up?" I asked "nothing man, that's what, I haven't gotten any ass since Maria's party" "what? You got some?" "haha yeah man me and Maria have a no strings attached thing going on" I laughed at this "that shit never works out, and that bitch is crazy" I said continuing walking into the gym "dude you don't even know her, she's a cool chick once you get to know her" he pat my shoulder "dude look what she did to me! that is not cool that is crazy and bitchy" he chuckled "dude she"s Latina all them girls are crazy, but she knows how to have a good time"


As I sat on my couch waiting for my show to start the phone rang "what?" I answer the phone "Maria it's me Selena I wanted to know how you're doing?" "I'm fine" I say back rolling my eyes "ok good, look my trips been extended by a couple of days so I won't be home till the end of next week, do you have enough money left?" Oh shit "yeah I do, I have heaps left, hey I have to go I have heaps of homework to do see ya" then I hung up, hmm how am I going to survive I have $50 left over and it's only been 4 days 'KNOCK KNOCK' I open the door and see a very attractive pizza boy standing there with a lazy smile "that comes to $17.50" he looks down to what I'm wearing, which isn't a lot, a white T-shirt that has 'ain't no wifey' printed on the front and black Lacey boy leg underwear with hold up stockings and my hairs up in a messy bun, I clear my throat "well this should be fun" I wink at the boy "what's your name pizza boy?" he smirks "Andrew, and yours?" "sorry Andrew your gonna have to work for that one" I hear a whistle come from behind Andrew I look behind him and see Drake, the annoying bastard winks at me "hey pizza dude here keep the change" drake hands him a 20 and grabs the pizza box and walks in to my apartment closing the door in Andrews face "he dickweed get out of here and give me my pizza!" Drake sits on the couch and opens the box "wow you were gonna eat this by yourself?" "yeah and I still am" he picks up a slice of meat lovers "don't you dare, hey put it back" he doesn't listen "god your a pain in my ass, what the hell do you want?" I say glaring at him and crossing my arms "well you see I'm new in town and my folks kinda kicked me out so I need a place to crash" he takes a bite of the pizza "why don't you go to Trent's?!" I say throwing my hands up "His folks don't like me, and you have a free house so I'm staying, you owe me, look what you did to my pretty face" I roll my eyes yet again "suck it up princess" "look I'm staying, ill even support you until I have to go" well I am short on cash "fine, but your sleeping on the couch" "whatever" "now move over" I sit on the couch and eat my pizza in silence. after eating and throwing the box out the window- coz ya know I can't be fucked walking down to the bin- I light up a smoke and watch the tv, the hockey game is about to start when I hear drake walking around "what are you doing?" "going through your shit, your rooms a dump, ever heard of cleaning? And what's with the holes in the wall, and the broken lamp" "first of all ever heard of staying out of people's rooms? And second of all, that is none of you business" "your a hockey fan?" he asks raising an eyebrow "yes, it's the best sport in the world, they aren't a bunch of pussies, they almost kill each other over a puck" he laughs then sits down and watches the game.


"dude where'd you stay last night?" Trent asked me in first period "at your girls house" "you stayed at Maria's?" "yeah" "and she let you?" "yup" "wow, so did you get any?" I laugh "no, and I don't want any".

~~~lunch time~~~

It was lunch time, I had a bottle of water and some fries sitting in front of me, Trent was no where to be found and Maria was sitting under a tree in the quad, her ear phones in and her eyes closed, I was bored, so I went up to her and pulled her ear phones out "have you seen Trent?" "nope, his probably fucking that over grown carrot" she said with a disgusted but amused look "oh my god that is disgusting he actually went through with that" "yes he did, I get that people just want to have sex but even I draw my line at orange people" We both laugh at this "and her hair! god it looks like a wig!" She erupts into a fit of laughter"I know!" suddenly her phone rings "what?" she says through the phone "what do you mean you aren't really on a business trip?" "what the fuck Selena! ew that is so wrong! his an asshole! I told you why I don't like him" "no" "you've been seeing him this whole time!?" "wow you know what?" " your so pathetic, he is not coming to stay with us, when you get back if his with you I'm leaving" then she hung up "who was that?" I was a bit confused, I mean was Selena her mum or something, I hadn't seen anyone at Maria's since her party so I assumed her parents were away "no one" she said getting up and walking away, I followed her "where are you going?" "Home" she said bluntly "I'm coming with you" "whatever" she seemed to be extremely annoyed by this 'Selena' chick.

When we got back to the apartment Maria went to her room and locked herself in there, I decided to leave her to do her thing while I watched TV. I was in the middle of watching a funny ass movie when I heard a massive bang, it was followed by several others "what the fuck was that, Maria? Are you ok?" I was concerned as I walked towards her room, I twisted the knob but it was locked "Maria?" I said knocking "hey what was that is everything ok?" She said nothing but the banging continued so me being a concerned citizen decided to kick the door down, when I entered I saw Maria punching large holes in the wall and throwing things around her room "stupid fucking bitch!" She said through gritted teeth "bring that creep here, I don't think so" ok she hadn't noticed me I cleared my throat "um sorry to just barge in, I thought something happened" she snapped her head towards me, she didn't look mad at me. But she did seem upset, heaving a sigh she said "don't worry about the door I have to get this all fixed any way, I'll be back in an hour do you need anything?" "Nah I don't, but how about I drive you?" This was weird me and Maria were constantly at each other's throats yelling, fighting, teasing all that stuff, even when we got along we would make witty comments, but now she seemed... I don't know... Different... Almost like the life was sucked out of her "yeah that would be good, thanks for offering" that word... No those words sounded so alien like coming from her "that's ok?" I honestly didn't know if that was what I was suppose to say I mean it's Maria so I had to pose it as a question. We headed to the hardware store and then the liquor store "hey you know what you I'm thinking?" She asked sounding very mischievous "no I don't" I said as I browsed at the beer section "I'm thinking its time for another party" "sweet I have an esky in my trunk so we can put our shit in there" she smiled and nodded her head and sent out a blast, I got the invite 'party at mine same place as last time, bring your own shit come after 9pm only one rule... Don't eat my sour gummy worms' "really your worried about your sour worms?" She looked at me her hands up in a defensive manner "hey hey hey don't mock the worms they are delicious and people tend to love them more when they are free" we continued shopping for our alcohol, I got a 25 pack of peroni and a bottle of scotch. Maria picked up a bottle of tequila, vodka and a 24 pack of apple cider. We went back home and fixed the bedroom door Locking it so no one would try and sneak a quickie in, and decided to leave the plastering for tomorrow.

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