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~~~~~~2 YEARS LATER~~~~~~


she was screaming in pain "it's okay baby you can do this" I say holding her hand "I can't, I don't want to do this" she pants out "just one more push I can see the head" the nurse says, Maria's face is red as she pushes no noise escaping her "congratulations it's a boy" the nurse says wrapping our son up and handing him to an exhausted Maria "you did it baby" I kiss the top of her head while I stare at my sons face, he is perfect "we did it baby" she replies with tears in her eyes.

Emilio Toro Fuller. Our healthy baby boy "man he is cute, he must take after Maria" Trent says as he holds a sleepy Emilio "hey I see a lot of my Fuller genes in him" I defend, Trent Chuckles "gosh his so perfect you guys" Teresa says she's 7 months pregnant "I guess we should let you guys rest, we'll get your house ready for when you come home" Trent says handing Emilio back to Maria "thanks guys, we owe you" Maria replies.

~~~~~~ 1 YEAR LATER~~~~~~

"Today, I take my place as your wife. May our days be long, and may they be seasoned with faith, love, understanding, and respect, forever and ever. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows, with you" Maria slide the ring over my finger "You were my reason back then, my reason now, my reason every day. You strengthen my weaknesses, bring focus to my dreams. Here and now I pledge my life to yours, that your dreams become my dreams. No matter where life leads me, I know that as long as you are there, that is where I am meant to be." I slide the ring on Maria's finger "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

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