The Reletives part⁴

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The girl whoever she was tried to take everything they had but ended up leaving the smallest bag dakotas 22rifle lever action rifle and the revolver with no bullets. She also didnt take any of our knifes. They all kept walking towards town regardless of what just happen and there pride being so wounded knowing they ALL just got mugged by a girl. All of them new were the gun store was and it assent that far from the edge of town so if they could get there before being spotted then they would be fine.
But they didn't have to go another mile

Before they found one of the back packs and some bullets spread out on the ground in front of the bag and a bottle of water in front of the bullets. They followed the trail of supplies for another half a mile and right at the edge of town they found the same girl that had mugged them only there was something different about her? For one her head was gone so she was dead but Michael also spied a bit of some sort on her arm.
"Guys look!" his dad and Dakota looked at Michael and followed his arm that was pointing at the bite. As soon as they saw it they all quickly grabbed there things reloaded the guns and searched the perimeter. They found nothing so they came back to the girls body to try and figure out what happened.

"When we got hear the shotgun was in her Hans barrel pointed up so I'm guessing it went of but how?" that's when Dakota spied that She only had one shoe on and found the other one a couple meters away nests to a rock in the middle of the trail path. It was big enough to trip over but small enough to go unnoticed if you didn't know were to look. "I think she tripped and that's when the gun went off." said Dakota
"So,, said Michael "I think she got jumped by an infected about half a mile back and got bit, that's why she started dropping things while she was running then she ran threw hear not knowing were the rock was." "She tripped over the rock and the gun went off." "If she hadn't been holding the damn gun by the barrel like an idiot she would still be alive."

"Should someone search her?" asked dakota "Maybe she has some ID?" John new were that would lead if one of the boys patted her down So he did it instead. The only thing he found was a poker knife and a wallet with a driver's license.

He pocketed the knife and stood up with the wallet reading. "Rileigh brown, age 16 it says hear she's from the Oklahoma panhandle?" "what?" said Michael rather surprised considering they were in the Texas panhandle. how the hell did she get down here?" "don't know." John said as he threw down the wallet "Maybe she was heading towards open water." "come on let's get to town were burning daylight."

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