The Fog Part²

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     When Dakota woke he was tied to a chair and in a small storage room in the back of the building with Michel and John in front of him arms crossed.
     "What the he'll Guys let me go!" he squirmed in his chair for a few seconds before looking up at them. "Are you going to calm down?" asked Michael arms still crossed and looking around the room. "because we can wait, we have food and water." "You on the other hand?" "So what, your just going to leave me tied up until I starve or dehydrate?" "No, said John were just going to keep you hear until you sizzle down."
     They both were starting to get agitated at Dakota's stubbornness but who could blame him I would be passed if I saw my little brother burst into flames. But look on the bright side the cremation was free. Of course they only thought about it and without another word left the room and locked the door.
      Over the past few hours they came in a few time asking if he needed anything. He cursed at them for the first two hours then he just started shaking his head. They could hear him crying threw the door twice.

     It had been about five hours Before Dakota called them into the room. His eyes were bloodshot from crying so much and his lips were chapped. "I'm good." Dakota managed to say with a scratchy throat. Michael glanced at his dad and he nodded so Michael whipped out his switch blade and cut the ropes.

     After they let him out of the room he was trying to find his stuff. He turned around to find his revolver on Michael's hip and he handed Dakota the small 35cal and his rifle. Without thought he put the 35cal to his head and pulled the trigger. (CLICK!) his eyes shot open to the sight of him holding the clip. "Don't try it with the rifle because that's not going to work either." He said in a rather enjoyed tone. Dakota simply dropped the guns and started balling his eyes out again.

     Michael reached down to give him a hug when Dakota suddenly pulled the revolver out of the holster and blew his brains all over the Window behind him. Michael and John just stood there stunned and wide eyed. "I didn't think he would do that?" said John in a disappointed tone. "Come on Michael I'll get the other bag. You carry his rifle and I'll get the Derringer. Michael just look up at him like he was crazy. "Go on he ain't got no use for it no more."

      Michael slowly picked up the blood covered rifle and wiped it off with Dakotas filthy shirt. He reloads the weapons while his dad went to the next window that wassent covered in brains to check the surroundings. "Looks like the fogs gone, we better get moving."  
    Without saying another word John forced the charcoaled body Of buddy out of the way and they silently walked out of town, threw the woods to come home to yet another disaster.

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