Chapter 5: Thank you

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"Yep" you say walking out the school doors.

You eventually arrive at the mall after a while of walking. It's so busy.
"If we see anyone we know, I will cry" You laugh.
Max nods and agrees.
"What do you wanna do?" Max asks taking off her sunglasses.
"Let's get some ice cream!"
"I know the best place for ice cream, trust me" max says as she takes your hand and walks across the mall. She stops you in-front of this ice cream shop.
"Scoops ahoy?" You laugh.
"I know such a cheesy name but, my friends work there and it's soo good." She smiles.
You walk in and see Robin and Steve.

You walk in and see Robin and Steve

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They are stood just staring at you.
"Oh, hi Robin hi Steve,You work here as well?" You laugh at them.
"Yeah, unfortunately" Steve sighs
"You know them?"
"Yeah we have already met." You give Steve a little smirk.
"Hi girls, Steve will be serving you" Robin then goes to the back.
"So welcome to scoops ahoy I'll be your captain, what can I get ya?" He says in a funny voice.
You and max just look at each other and laugh.
"Hmm, just a vanilla please" max says scanning her eyes at all the different flavours.
"I'll take cookie dough" you say.
"Good choice y/n" Steve looks at you and smiles.
He scoops the ice cream carefully.
"So y/n, how you hanging after the other night" Steve says handing max her ice cream.
"Yeah alright, thanks again I do really appreciate it" you smile as he hands you your ice cream.
"No problem..." as Steve starts talking Robin appears with a board.

" as Steve starts talking Robin appears with a board

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You and max burst out laughing.
"Seriously, Robin come on" Steve says irritated.
"Bye guys" max says licking her ice cream.
You wave goodbye and leave the shop.
"Bye" Steve says cleaning his scooper.
"You suck" Robin says in the background as you leave the shop.
It makes you giggle. You and max wonder round the mall, trying on shoes and clothes and different funny hats.
"You look ridiculous" you laugh, fighting for breath.
"Come on, it's not that bad." She looks at herself in the mirror.
"Yeah it is" you laugh.
She looks at you with a smile taking the hat off and putting it back on the shelf.
"Is there a movie theatre here?" You ask looking around.
"Yeah why"
"I wanna watch a movie"
"I can get in the movies for free" max whispers in your ear.
"How?" You whisper back.
"Follow me" Max takes your hand and she walks down the escalator. You follow her.
"Scoops ahoy? This isn't the movies?" You say confused.
"No, not yet" She looks at you suspiciously.
"Your back?" Steve asks.
"Movies please?" Max asks Steve.
You look at them confused as what is going on.
"Fine, but if anyone finds out..."
"We are dead, I know" she says like she has done this so many times.
Steve walks you and max round the back. You look around it's kinda cool. You wave at Robin. She waves back.
"Through here, and be quiet" Steve whispers.
He takes you through a door and you walk into and empty hallway.
You go through another door and all of a sudden your in the movies.
"This is cool" you whisper to max.
"I know right."
You both sit down at the front.

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