Califlorida (Fire)

352 9 3

(Gov dose something terrible again and Cali is mad about)
"I can't believe that he just dose shit like this and gets away with it all the time" California ranted "Something needs to be done about it."

"I can light stuff on fire" Florida said with a small smile. "That could help"

That response already made him anxious, but at this point he couldn't think of any solutions. "How will that help?" He questioned the reasonability of this possible solution.

"Trust me I've never been wrong about this" Florida replied.

"No. I don't trust fire. You know why I don't like fire" Cali fidgeted with the flannel fabric around his arms. Knowing that the burns only got worse every time someone or something set him on fire.

"Don't worry. I know and I promise you will be safe. You can watch from far away. The fire will not be anywhere near you. I promise" Florida's voice sounded sincere and California could tell that he really cared. It was slightly calming.

"Ok, I guess if you-" Cali started only to be cut off by Florida's maniacal laughter. Chaos was definitely about to ensue.

As FL ran off to the gov's house house Cali ran after him. "Wait! I don't you to get hurt either!"
He called out knowing that that wasn't going to stop him. " It's fine! I'm fire proof!" Florida yelled back not stopping as he grabbed a lighter. "No your not!" Cali immediately knew this was going to go insanely badly.

Finally Florida stopped only a little bit away from the government's house. Maybe he changed his mind about setting stuff on fire. He placed his hand on Cali's shoulders, gave an almost reassuring smile and said "You stay here."

"Please be smart about this. I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt."

Florida ran away with out replying. Only a few minutes later Cali heard the government scream something followed by a glowing red light. Then Flo happily yelled "ARSON!". He actually lit something on fire.

It was definitely a bad idea to run towards the fire, especially considered what always happens around fire. He pulled his sleeves more with the thought. Still though he needed to know he was ok.

The fire seemed to be contained at least for now. Gov had left, leaving other people to solve his problems, so he probably wouldn't be back anytime soon. If the fire got any bigger it would begin spreading to their house.

The air was smoky and hard to breathe in. Light was dying down as he continued running inside. "Florida where are you!" He shouted.

Suddenly ice water was thrown in Cali's face. "Are you ok?" He heard Florida ask as he rubbed the water off his eyes.


"See I solved the problem" Flo's voice was very happy about what happened.

For a second Cali's brain couldn't form words to explain how he felt or comprehend what just happened. "Wh... What-"

"Now the government will be gone for a while so he can't do anything." Florida explained his logic "See I solved your problems"

"I-i don't know why I love you." California sighed. The fire had been completely put out and there wasn't that much damage.

Flo was definitely chaos but he knew how to use it. Only a bunch of paper work was destroyed which will definitely delay the government.

(Word count 570, sorry it's short)

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