After Meeting (Yorkcali)

369 16 5

(Request from @Emilygomse)

New York once again left to where all the other people weren't. They were annoying and he didn't like people anyway. Besides he didn't see a point in staying at the meeting. They never go anywhere. It was better alone, at least right now. He'd go back later.

Though he didn't get much time to himself as shortly after he got there, there was a knock on the door. He sighed and tried to ignore it the first time. Then it happened again. "What" Well it was nice while it lasted.

"Can I come in?" The state asked through the door.

"Sure" at this point there wasn't a point in not letting him in. If he didn't the other state would probably keep knocking.

"Thank you" California said closing the door behind him and walking over to New York. "Everything was hella strange today..." He sat next to him and continued talking.

New York sat with his arms arms crossed. Cali kept going on. Continueing about different things and stuff. It sounded like he was just saying any thought that popped into his head. After it had gone on a lot longer than it should have and longer than York thought it would he asked "Why are you talking to me?" It came out a little ruder than he would have liked. That wasn't the intent he just wanted to know why Cali came to him specifically.

California seemed a little caught off guard. He paused for a second before saying "Because we're friends, right?" He seemed very unsure as he said that. Like that type of statement had gone badly before. Which based off of what usually happened in the meetings seemed likely. Cali seemed to tense up with the realization that that statement probably wasn't true, that's why it was more of a question.

"Sure" California's face lite up at that response. His smile was beautiful and genuine. New York couldn't help but also smile at seeing it. There was a brief moment where nothing was said before Cali continued. It was honestly nice to just talk without constantly being told to shut up. After a little while it seemed like his train of thought had finished it's course for the day. It faded and they still sat there.

Cali leaned his head on York's shoulder. New York blushed at this, which Cali didn't see, and there was no one else in the room. It was starting to get late and it seemed as if California was going to sleep on his shoulder. York had come here to get away from the other states, though this wasn't bad.

He leaned back against the wall and Cali fell into his lap. The state's glasses slipped a little on his noise almost falling onto the other state's knee. His dark wavy hair draped over his face from under his orange beanie. Guess they're staying here for a while. York kind of zoned out as Cali slept.

The sound of the door knob suddenly turning pulled York out of his zone out and he stared daggers at it. He put his arm over the sleeping state's head. No one should really be in the building anymore.

"Hey do-" It was the bayou state. He cut off his own sentence, looking from California to New York and then back. "What are y'all-" this time he was cut off by York saying "*speaks New York* off"

"I was just looking for the animal room, Sha"

"Why the hell would that be here?" York said. However, before he could finish explaining why that was stupid, he  felt Cali's hand on his knee. Louis left, hearing Florida somewhere else in the building. York didn't worry about that though, because he didn't care that much.

The golden state opened his eyes, still only half awake. He lifted his head, looking around and remembering where he was. He sat up again looked to the empire state. "Sorry. I fell asleep." He pushed his glasses back up his nose.

"I noticed" He also sounded tired even if he didn't show it.

"Are you... smiling?" California asked, to have New York turn his face away. He definitely was.  They sat there for a second before a small crash was heard somewhere else in the building. "Maybe we should go." Cali suggested, getting up.

"Yeah. I don't even want to know what stupidity they're getting up to." He kind of gestured to where the noise came from. He walked out of the room with Cali close behind him. They left the building before anything illegal happened.

As they walked Cali reached out and held York's hand. He looked at Cali walking next to him and then at his hand that he was holding. Then he looked forward. "Do you like me?" Cali tensed while asking the question. Like he almost knew that asking could only end badly.

"You're tolerable" He glanced at the other state, who still looked a little worried.

"A-are the others tolerable?" He ask. Seeming a little anxious he let go of York's hand.

"No" New York grabbed California's hand back.

They smiled at each other. This time catching as the other blushed.

(word count: 868)

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