Sunshine (Floridiana)

119 6 0

2055 or later

TW: Death, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism

Louisiana's POV

It's been about a year. Never truly able to get back to being my usual self. Now I lay here, alone. Before, we'd stay in together and have a party. Now, he's not here and the storms are worse, and I don't really feel like hanging out with the others.

The flooding keeps getting worse. The water rising higher and higher. The coastal cities were already evacuated and it has only moved inward. This was exactly how it started for him.

Well, might as well drink, after all that's what we used to do together during hurricanes. Though it's definitely not as fun alone. I finished a whole bottle pretty quickly. Quite a bit faster than I would if I had something else to do. Then another, it's not like there was anything else to do. Plus I don't want my mind to be on the storm, or on his death. I missed him. Nothing was the the same. Everything was just boring and sad. The fun chaos was gone now that we weren't together.

The water kept rising. At this point I'd rather be at one of the meetings. I don't like them, but at least it would give me a reason to see everyone else. There's no way one would be held in this weather. The wind was faster than it had ever been before. The storms had been getting worse year by year, but this was something else. I went through yet another bottle. It was making me feel better, a brief spot of happiness before it wasn't.

It went down hill after that. I walk to the borded window. My vision blurred as I walked. Leaning against the window. I check my phone only to see yet another flood message, more and more under water.

I just wanted to be back with him. It's not like there's anything else here for me. I wanted to see him again. I ended up looking towards the cabinet where I stored my gun. I'll probably be dying soon anyway, would it really make that much of a difference if I did it myself? I took one step towards it and ended up stumbling to the floor. Everything blurred and spun around me.

I've drunk more than I usually do, by quite a lot. I bought some champagne for the party, but I never went. This was definitely not how I expected any of this to go when I bought it. I was supposed to just have a fun night with Florida and the others. But he's dead now. I don't want to think about that. If only I could just remember all the fun we used to have, without rembering the way it was forced to end.

We were so close. We did everything together. We were more than just friends. We loved each other. Like partners in crime, causing chaos wherever we went. Of course there were times we fought, I mean all couples fight sometimes. But even through that we still always knew we cared about each other. And now he's completely submerged. He's gone and we would never get to see each other again.

Tears ran down my face, dripping onto the hard floor. The water was rising and there was no way you stop it. It was so warm. I tried to stand again, but I was too disoriented. Memories swirled in my mind. It hurt. I wish it was different, and we could just go back to the way things used to be. Me and Florida could just hang out the way we used to. No one was ok as the weather got worse. At this point I kinda missed the meetings, they sucked but at least itcwas something to do.

The water was rising and it began to leak into the house. I would die the same way he did. Maybe we'd see each other in heaven. The water presisted as the whole sea level rose. There was no where to go. It did stop rising even after it reached the ceiling.

I couldn't breath. The water began to get into my lungs as I couldn't reach the surface. It was way warmer than it was supposed to be. I fell completely under and there was no where to go even if I had the strength to try. My head just got more light and dizzy. Then everything went black and it took only a few seconds more for the burning in my chest to subside to. After all that everything was gone.

(Word count: 780)

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